
Showing posts from December, 2022

Q. 4B Email Writing-

  Q.4 A Email Writing-.  04 Marks Q. Write an email to the Editor of a new newspaper about suitable steps to overcome the problem of plastic carry bags.  From: To: a Cc: Bcc: Subject: Plastic carry bags – a serious danger to the environment. Dear Sir, Lately the use of plastic carry bags pose carry is on the increase Shopkeepers, fruit vendors and sweet meat sellers make a profuse of plastic carry bags. Even hawkers make it a point to use plastic carry bags. After using them, it is tendency of most people to throw them anywhere. It is a common sight to see plastic carry bags littered on roads, parks and public places. Plastic bags pose a serious danger to the environment. Not all plastic carry bags can be reprocessed. In big cities like Mumbai, Pune it is a common sight to see that drainage pipes are frequently chocked. Cows and buffaloes often devour them this may endanger their life. It is high time we find out ways and ...

XII Activity No. 1

 Activity No. 1- Writing Skill & Genre - Novel Write down these questions in your class- notebook.  Q.1. Mind Mapping - 04 Marks  You and your family are thinking of visiting a hill station during this summer. Develop a mind mapping frame/ design using your own ideas to illustrate on the topic, "Hill station and related things that come to my mind".  Points -  1. Connect your thoughts or ideas using the title. 2. Use your own design for branching and general structure. 3. Try making 2-3 main and 2-3 sub branches. Or Q.1 Develop a mind mapping using your ideas and concepts to develop the topic 'Proper time management'. Points - 1. Using the title connects your thoughts. 2. Use your own design for branching and general structure. 3. Try making 2-3 main and 2-3 sub branches. Q.2 Virtual Message:  You are Deepika, a personal assistant to Ms. Priyanka, she was away attending a meeting when Mr George rang up. You spoke to him and jotted down his message in y...

XII 4.4 The Sign of Four- Activity No.1

 4.4 The Sign of Four Activity No.1 1. Write a character sketch of Major Sholto from the extract of the novel "Sign of Four." Ans-  Major Sholto was an officer and friend of Arthur Morstan. He was the one who was originally approached about the location of the treasure, as Jonathan Small believed that his greed would make him an easy target. Sholto is tasked with the retrieval of the treasure, but takes it all for himself, leaving Small and Morston without anything. Morstan later confronts him, Morston has a heart attack and dies. Sholto hides the body and keeps the treasure. He lives the rest of his life plagued but extreme guilt and fear. He dies after seeing Jonathan Small's face in a window. 2. Sherlock Holmes is the leading character in the extract. Explain. Ans-It is Sherlock Holmes who is the detective and the leading character. Mary Morstan had come to ask his advice about a problem that she was facing. Holmes was the one who took the lead and found out about Ma...

XII 4.4 The Sign of Four Activity No.2

4.4 The Sign of Four Activity No.2 A. Plot- Discuss the importance of the fallen statements from the light of the extract. The trio-Holmes Dr Watson and Mary decide to visit Lyceum Theatre. Ans- Mary Morstan had received one unknown Parson's letter suggesting her to reach Lyceum Theatre on a particular night at 7 o'clock it should desired to get justice. She would get advantage if she came. she was allowed to bring two companions with her if she felt threat. Mary came to Holmes and asked him and Dr. Watson to accompany her. So Holmes, Dr. Watson and Mary decided to visit Lyceum Theatre to resolve the mystery of the letter. A. Setting- The Important of the place- Lyceum Theatre Ans- This is the place near which the unknown writer of laetter Mary Morstan to reach if she desired to get justice. Andaman Islands- Jonathan Small was arrested and imprisoned on the Andaman Islands for stealing Agra treasure. After 20 years Small made a deal with Sholto and Arthur Morstan, who were the ...

4.3 Around the World in Eighty Days- Activity No. 2

 4.3 Around the World in Eighty Days  Activity No. 2 A.1Central idea of the extract of the novel - Ans- The central idea of the extract is Fogg's win despite delays in his return. He returns in time but he is initially unaware of it. He reaches in London at 8.50pm. so he thought that he lose the bet. The date of bet is 21st Dec. On 8.45pm in Reform club in London. When he knows the reality, he unexpectedly wins the wager at the last moment. He had gained a day when he crossed the International Date Line and could reach the clock within the deadline. He reched in Reform club at 8.44 pm on 21St Dec. on Saturday. He was unaware of getting 1 day because of he started his journey on eastward .  It also deals with generous nature of Fogg and his attitude to give importance to love than money. A.2.Write 4 to 5 sentences on the 'Time' theme of the extract.  Or Explain: Time is important theme in this novel. Ans- 'Time' is one of the important themes in this novel. Fo...

2.5 Father Returning Home- Appreciation

 2.5 Father Returning Home -  Dilip Chitre Appreciation- Q. Answer Read the extract carefully and write an appreciation of the poem considering the following points. -About the poet and the title -The theme - Poetic style, Language, poetic devices. -Special feature  -Values  -Your opinion about the poem 1. About the poet and the title- ‘Father Returning Home' is the famous poem by Dilip Chitre, taken from 'Traveling in the Cage.' It draws a portrait of a suburban commuter and his dull, monotonous, exhausting, and equally pitiable daily routine.  The poet Dilip Chitre was born in 1938 and died in 2009.  He is known as a bilingual poet. He started his writing career at the age of Sixteen. He has translated ‘the popular Marathi Abhang (Spiritual Poem) 'Says Tuka' into English. He received the Prestigious Sahitya Akademi Award for his remarkable contribution to poetry as well as to Translation.  The major themes of his poems are exile, alienation/ est...

2.5 Father Returning Home –Figure of Speech-

 2.5 Father Returning Home – Dilip Chitre Figures of Speech- I n this poem following are important figures of speech-  Alliteration, Metaphor, Onomatopoeia, Paradox, Personification, Repetition, Simile, Transferred Epithet and Symbolism, 1) Alliteration- 1. My father travels on the late evening train Ans- The consonant sound ‘t’ is repeated for poetic effect. 2. Standing among silent commuters in the yellow light Ans- The consonant sound ‘s’ is repeated for poetic effect. 3. Suburbs slide past his unseeing eyes Ans- The consonant sound ‘s’ is repeated for poetic effect. 4. His shirt and pants are soggy and his black raincoat  Ans- The consonant sound ‘s’ is repeated for poetic effect. 5. Stained with mud and his bag stuffed with books  Ans- The consonant sound ‘s’ is repeated for poetic effect. 6. Fade homeward through the humid monsoon night. Ans- The consonant sound ‘h’ is repeated for poetic effect. 7. Like a word dropped from a long sentence. Ans- The consonant s...