XII 4.4 The Sign of Four- Activity No.1
4.4 The Sign of Four
Activity No.1
1. Write a character sketch of Major Sholto from the extract of the novel "Sign of Four."
Major Sholto was an officer and friend of Arthur Morstan. He was the one who was originally approached about the location of the treasure, as Jonathan Small believed that his greed would make him an easy target. Sholto is tasked with the retrieval of the treasure, but takes it all for himself, leaving Small and Morston without anything. Morstan later confronts him, Morston has a heart attack and dies. Sholto hides the body and keeps the treasure. He lives the rest of his life plagued but extreme guilt and fear. He dies after seeing Jonathan Small's face in a window.
2. Sherlock Holmes is the leading character in the extract. Explain.
Ans-It is Sherlock Holmes who is the detective and the leading character. Mary Morstan had come to ask his advice about a problem that she was facing. Holmes was the one who took the lead and found out about Major Sholto; it was Holmes who analysed the handwriting in the letter that Mary had received. Holmes was sharp,accurate, intelligent and methodical. He had an excellent record of solving cases, and his deductions were always correct. Watson was merely his friend who helped him and kept a record of his cases.
Prepared by - Jyoti Walunj -Landge
HRM, Rajgurunagar