Compering Script- Writing Skill
Imagine that you are a compere of 'Teachers' Day Celebration' of your college. Write a script of the same. You can take help of the following points- 1. Introduction 2. Lightning the lamp and welcome song 3. Welcome speech and felicitation 4. Main events and vote of thanks.
Compering script for 'Teachers' Day Celebration'
September, 5th 2024. 10.00am
Conference Hall
Anchor- Jyoti Walunj
1. Introduction-
Good morning to one and all present here. As we know that today is 5th September as a birthday of former President Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.
As a token of love and respect we celebrate this day as a teacher's Day. First of all, on the behalf of our students, I would like to wish our teachers- Happy Teachers Day !
So dear students our respected guests have arrived here. Let's welcome them with a thunder of applause.
2. Lighting the lamp and welcome song-
I call upon the honorable chief guest our principal of our college Dr V. D. Kulkarni, the Vice-Principal Mr SN Takalkar and HOD of all Arts Commerce,Science,HSVC faculties to light the lamp and the garland the photos of Goddess Saraswati.
I request all the dignitaries to take their respective seats on the stage.
Thank you all the respected teachers.
Now I request Miss Radha and her team to recite the welcome song. All the girls are from standard 11th from Arts Faculty.Thanks to all the girls for this rhythmic and musical recitation.
3. Welcome speech and felicitation-
Now I would request to Miss Radhika the C.R. of our college to deliver the introductory speech and tell the intention of this function. Thank you Radhika for expressing gratitude towards all the respected teachers.
Now I request the members of student council to come one by one and felicitate the Principal, Vice Principal,HOD of all the faculties and all the teachers with bouquet and trophy of gratitude. Give them a round of applause for our respected teachers.
4. Main events and vote of thanks thanks-
Today is the birth anniversary of our former President Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. He was a teacher too. So on this day we have remember to him. I would like to call upon on stage Mr. Rahul from standard XII to deliver a speech on the life and work of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.
Now I call upon the stage Miss Samruddhi from standard 11 to recite her poem on Teacher. It is appreciate for this occasion.
Thanks Samruddhi. Your poem is really inspiring.
Today in all the classes selected students work as teachers, all of them are honoured by our Principal, Vice- Principal and HOD of all the faculties. I request all the dignitaries to honour them one by one by trophy and certificate of excellence. Thanks to all.
Now I call the member of student council Mr Sachin to express the vote of thanks.
The program ends with our National anthem 'Jana gana Mana'.
Thank you to one and all !
Marking Scheme- 04 Marks
Connecting events- 02 marks
Impressive introduction- 01marks
Summing up- 01marks