Tense-Simple Present-Past-Future
* FORMULA OF TENSE * *SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE* Uses- 1. It is mainly used to express actions done as a matter of habit or actions done repeatedly. e.g. They pray to God daily in the morning. 2. It is also used to express a person's routine on a particular day. e.g. Today, I get up 6 o'clock in the morning and take a cup of tea and go for a morning walk. At 8 , I take my breakfast. 3. It at expresses permanent truths/ universal truth. e.g.The sun gives us heat and light . Since scientific facts and proverbs also express permanent truths, they also take the present simple tense. e.g. Water boils at 100°C . An empty vessel makes much noise. ( Proverb) 4. It is used in exclamatory sentences beginning with here and there. e.g. Here comes Mr. Shetty . There goes the bus. 5. The verb 'continue' is used in the simple present tense, for it contains in i...