2.5 Father Returning Home- Appreciation
2.5 Father Returning Home
- Dilip Chitre
Q. Answer Read the extract carefully and write an appreciation of the poem considering the following points.
-About the poet and the title
-The theme
- Poetic style, Language, poetic devices.
-Special feature
-Your opinion about the poem
1. About the poet and the title-
‘Father Returning Home' is the famous poem by Dilip Chitre, taken from 'Traveling in the Cage.'
It draws a portrait of a suburban commuter and his dull, monotonous, exhausting, and equally pitiable daily routine.
The poet Dilip Chitre was born in 1938 and died in 2009. He is known as a bilingual poet.
He started his writing career at the age of Sixteen. He has translated ‘the popular Marathi Abhang (Spiritual Poem) 'Says Tuka' into English. He received the Prestigious Sahitya Akademi Award for his remarkable contribution to poetry as well as to Translation.
The major themes of his poems are exile, alienation/ estrangement, self-disintegration, and death.
2. The theme
The main theme of the poem is "Man's isolation/estrangement from materialistic man-made World".
The poet expressed his feelings for his working father. He realized that his father was neglected and uncared for not of his family but also by society.
Though the poem ‘Father Returning Home’ has an autobiographical touch. As is an account of every old man in the suburban area who does hard work for his family but leads a monotonous life where no one to converse with him, understand his feelings, and look after him.
3. Poetic style, Language, and poetic devices.
The poem consists of two stanzas the first stanza is 12 lines and the second stanza is 13 lines. It is a free verse where there is no rhyme and no rhythm.
The poem is very symbolic. The lack of rhythm is symbolized that the poet’s father had an uncared-for life.
The language is easy and simple but full of imagery and symbolism. It is a first-person narrative where the poet himself is the speaker who narrates the isolated life and monotonous routine of his father. The prominent figures of speech in the poem are Alliteration, Simile, and Onomatopoeia, Transferred Epithet, Synecdoche, paradox For eg.
listening to the static on the radio.
The word ‘static’ represents the sound.
4. Special features-
It is an autobiographical poem. The figure-of-speech Symbolism of color is used.
Yellow- dull, monotonous life.
Grey- suggests old age, dullness, and sordidness of a father's life.
5. Values -
The poet expresses his feelings for his old father, but every old father has almost the same condition so we can take the moral from the poem that 'we must look after the elderly members in our family and society'.
6. Your opinion about the poem-
I like the poem very much as it depicts the real picture of the monotony and lethargic life of the elderly hard-working person in modern society. Respect our elders and take care of them as well as spend some time for them that values I learned from this poem. This poem is really very heart-touching.
Prepared by - Jyoti Walunj