Q. 4B Email Writing-
Q.4 A Email Writing-. 04 Marks
Q. Write an email to the Editor of a new newspaper about suitable steps to overcome the problem of plastic carry bags.
From: ramsociety12@gmail.com
To: abpmaza12@gmail.com
Subject: Plastic carry bags – a serious danger to the environment.
Dear Sir,
Lately the use of plastic carry bags pose carry is on the
increase Shopkeepers, fruit vendors and sweet meat sellers make a profuse of plastic carry
bags. Even hawkers make it a point to use plastic carry bags. After using them,
it is tendency of most people to throw them anywhere. It is a common sight to
see plastic carry bags littered on roads, parks and public places.
Plastic bags pose a serious danger to the environment. Not
all plastic carry bags can be reprocessed. In big cities like Mumbai, Pune it
is a common sight to see that drainage pipes are frequently chocked. Cows and
buffaloes often devour them this may endanger their life.
It is high time we find out ways and means to overcome the problem.
The use of paper carry bags be avoided, they should be manufactured from
plastic that can be recycled. Many municipalities have banned the use of plastic
bags that cannot be recycled. We must create awareness in the people. People should
be encouraged to use cloth bags. If a conscious and positive effort is made by
one and all, it will certainly be possible to overcome the problem.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
Chairperson-Ram Society
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