2.5 Father Returning Home –Figure of Speech-
2.5 Father Returning Home – Dilip Chitre
Figures of Speech-
In this poem following are important figures of speech- Alliteration, Metaphor, Onomatopoeia, Paradox, Personification, Repetition, Simile, Transferred Epithet and Symbolism,
1) Alliteration-
1. My father travels on the late evening train
Ans- The consonant sound ‘t’ is repeated for poetic effect.
2. Standing among silent commuters in the yellow light
Ans- The consonant sound ‘s’ is repeated for poetic effect.
3. Suburbs slide past his unseeing eyes
Ans- The consonant sound ‘s’ is repeated for poetic effect.
4. His shirt and pants are soggy and his black raincoat
Ans- The consonant sound ‘s’ is repeated for poetic effect.
5. Stained with mud and his bag stuffed with books
Ans- The consonant sound ‘s’ is repeated for poetic effect.
6. Fade homeward through the humid monsoon night.
Ans- The consonant sound ‘h’ is repeated for poetic effect.
7. Like a word dropped from a long sentence.
Ans- The consonant sound ‘l’ is repeated for poetic effect.
8. Crosses the railway line, enters the lane,
Ans- The consonant sound ‘l’ is repeated for poetic effect.
9. His chappals are sticky with mud, but he hurries onward.
Ans- The consonant sound ‘h’ is repeated for poetic effect.
10. Man’s estrangement from a man-made world.
Ans- The consonant sound ‘m’ is repeated for poetic effect.
11. The cold water running over his brown hands,
Ans- The consonant sound ‘h’ is repeated for poetic effect.
12. A few droplets cling to the greying hair on his wrists.
Ans- The consonant sound ‘h’ is repeated for poetic effect.
13. His sullen children have often refused to share
Ans- The consonant sound ‘s’ is repeated for poetic effect.
14. Of nomads entering a subcontinent through a narrow pass.
Ans- The consonant sound ‘n’ is repeated for poetic effect.
2) Transferred Epithet-
1. ‘Fade homeward through the humid monsoon night’
Ans- An epithet (Adjective) 'humid’ transferred from the weather to the night. The weather is humid not the night.
2. Home again I see him drinking weak tea
Ans-An epithet (Adjective) ‘week’ is transferred from person to tea.
3. Suburbs slide past his unseeing eyes
Ans -An epithet (Adjective) 'unseeing' is transferred from poet to eyes.
4. He hurries across the length of the grey platform.
Ans- An epithet (Adjective) 'grey' is transferred from the poet's old age to the platform.
3) Paradox-
1. Suburbs slide past his unseeing eyes
Ans- In this line ‘eyes’ are described as unseen and it is an unbelievable or absurd statement.
4) Metaphor-
He hurries across the length of the grey platform
Ans- The ‘grey platform’ is indirectly compared with the ‘old age of poet’s father’.
5) Synecdoche
1. Home again I see him drinking weak tea eating a stale chapati reading a book.
Ans- Stale chapati stands for stale food. The part (chapati) symbolizes the whole i.e 'food'.
2. A few droplets cling to the greying hair on his wrists.
Ans- 'Greying hair' represents the whole i.e. 'the old age of father'.
6) Personification
1. The cold water running over he is brown hands.
Ans- The ‘water’ has given the human quality.
2. Suburbs slide past his unseeing eyes
Ans- The 'suburbs' have given the human quality.
7) Onomatopoeia
1. Listening to the static on the radio.
Ans- The word ‘static’ represents the sound.
8) Repetition-
1. his shirt and pants are soggy his black raincoat is stained with mud and his bag is stuffed with books.
Ans- The word ‘his’ is repeated three times for poetic effect.
2. Man's estrangement from a man-made world.
Ans- The word 'man' is repeated twice for poetic effect.
9) Simile-
Now I can see him getting off the train
Like a word dropped from a long sentence
Ans- The action of the father getting off the train is directly compared with a word dropped from a long sentence.
Special Features-
1. Symbolism of color -
1. Standing among silent commuters in the yellow light.
Ans- Yellow- dull, monotonous life
2. He hurries across the length of the grey platform.
Ans- Grey- suggests old age, dullness, and sordidness of a father's life.
3. A few droplets cling to the greying hair on his wrists.
Ans- greying - suggests the old age.
Prepared by- Jyoti Walunj