Preliminary Exam -2024-25

 Preliminary Exam -2024-25

Answer Key



A. 1. iii, iv, I, ii. 

A. 5 . 

i.b.  She was unable to face the whole horror. 

ii. a. How did she feel? 


1. deserved - to be worthy of

2. horror - a feeling of great fear or shock.

3. Satirical - humorously critical 

4. Agony- intense pain of mind or body. 

Q.1 B . 

1. b. Radha told the teacher that she felt very happy to help her mother at home. 

ii. b. May

iii. In a meeting, the physical education teachers  decided to spend two hours .... the playground.... Warm up activities. 

Ans-  c. on , for 

B.2 Spot the error 

If you eat too much you will fell ill. 

Correct answer - 

If you eat too much you will fall ill. 

Q.2 Unseen Passage 


i. True

ii. False 

The word duty is derived from the word " due". 

iii. True

iv. False

If any one should fail in his duty he will be discredited. 

A.5 .  

Ans- a . Lord Nelson is greater than any other Admiral in England. 

ii. b. Unless one should fail in his duty, he will not be discredited. 

A.6 vocabulary

Certain - uncertain 

Connect - disconnect 

Like - dislike

Known - unknown 

Prepared by- Jyoti Walunj-Landge 

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