2.2 The Sower- FOS
2.2 The Sower
Figures of Speech
1. Sitting in a porchway cool.
Ans- Inversion-
The words are not in the correct prose order.
The correct prose order is
"Sitting in cool porchway".
2. Sunlight, I see dying fast.
Ans- Personification-
‘Sunlight’ has been given the human quality of
The sound of the letter 's' is repeated for
poetic effect.
The words are not in the correct prose order.
The correct prose order is " I see sunlight dying fast".
3. "Twilight hastens on to rule".
The sound of the letter 't' is repeated for the
poetic effect.
‘Twilight’ has been given the human quality of
4. "Shadows run across the lands".
Ans- Consonance
The sound of the letter 's' has been repeated in
the line.
‘Shadows’ have been given the human quality of
5. "But a Sower lingers still"
Ans- Alliteration
The sound of the letter s is repeated for poetic
The words are not in the correct prose order.
The correct prose order is "Working hours have well-nigh past".
6. Old, in rags, he patient stands.
Ans- Consonance
The sound of the letters 'n' and' z' have been
repeated in the line.
The words are not in the correct prose order.
The correct prose order is "Old, in rags, he stands patient(ly).
7. Looking on, I feel a thrill.
Ans- Consonance-
The sound of the letter 'l' has been repeated in
the line.
8. Dominates the furrows deep!
Ans- Alliteration-
The sound of the letter 'd' is repeated for
poetic effect.
The words are not in the correct prose
order. The correct prose order is "
Dominates the deep furrows!
9. Now to sow the task is set.
Ans- Alliteration-
The sound of the letter ‘s’ is repeated for
poetic effect.
The sound of the consonant 't' has been repeated
in the line.
The words are not in the correct prose
order. The correct prose order is
"Now the task to sow is set."
10. Soon shall come a time to reap.
Ans- Alliteration-
The sound of the letter 's' is repeated for
poetic effect.
The words are not in the correct prose
order. The correct prose order is"
"A time to reap shall come soon".
11. Marches he along the plane.
Ans- Inversion
The words are not in the correct prose order.
The correct prose order is" He marches along the plain".
12. "To and fro, and scatters
Ans- Antithesis-
Two opposite words 'to' and 'fro' have been used
in the same line to indicate the movement of the Sower.
13. From his hands the precious grain
Ans- Alliteration
The sound of the letter ‘h’ is
repeated for poetic effect.
The words are not in the correct prose order.
The correct prose order is" the precious grain from his hands".
14. Muse I, as I see him stride".
The sound of the letter ‘s’ is
repeated for the poetic effect.
The words are not in the
correct prose order. The correct prose order is"
"I Muse as I see him stride".
Repetition -
The word 'I' has been repeated in life for
poetic effect.
15. Darkness deepens and fades the light".
Alliteration -
The sound of the letter 'd' is repeated for
poetic effect.
To opposite words 'darkness' and 'light' as well
as 'deepens' and 'fades' have been used in the same line to indicate the
passage of time.
The consonant sound 's' has been repeated in the
line for the poetic effect.
16. “Now his gestures to mine eyes”
Ans- Inversion-
The words are not in the correct
prose order. The correct prose order is "His gestures to mine eyes now”.
17. “Seems to touch the starry
Ans- Alliteration-
The sounds of the words ‘s’ and ‘t’
are repeated for poetic effect.
The above line is exaggerated.
1. "Sitting in a porchway cool"
Ans- The words in the line tell the reader
about the location of the poet which creates a visual image in the minds of the
2. Sunlight I see dying fast
Ans- The description of sunlight fading away
creates a visual image in the minds of the reader.
3. Twilight fashions on to rule
Ans- Twilight has been given the human
quality of rushing which creates a visual image in the minds of the
4. Shadows run across the lands
Ans- As ‘shadows’ have been given the human quality of running, this line
creates a visual image of movement in the minds of the reader.
5. Old, in rags, he patient stands
The line describes the attire and the
mood of the Sower, creating a visual image of the Sower’s tattered
clothes but with a calm and composed expression.
6. Black and high his silhouette
Ans-the line gives the description of the
sober cellular which creates the mental image of the black form of the
server against the light background of the sky.
7. Dominates the furrows Deep! "
Ans- The line states that those over
cellular appear to be dominating the deep furious which creates the mental
image of the Sower as a covering figure.