2.4 Upon Westminster Bridge- Appreciation
2.4 Upon Westminster Bridge - William Wordsworth
1. About the poem, poet, and title:
'Upon Westminster Bridge' is written by the great nature poet William Wordsworth.(1770-1850). He is a leading English Nature poet.
Westminster Bridge is located in London city over the River Thames. The poet is standing on the Westminster Bridge at dawn time (early in the morning) and looking at the beautiful scenery of the London city in the early morning.
2. The theme:
This poem has a nature theme. It is about the early morning scenery of London city, the poet is looking from the Westminster Bridge. The poet feels enthralled by seeing such morning beauty of London city. The scenery shows even if the industrial revolution, still London city looks so beautiful by the surroundings in smokeless air early in the morning.
3. Language and poetic devices:
The language of the poem is very simple and lucid. It has only two stanzas, the first stanza consists of eight lines and the second stanza consists of six lines. In this poem, the poet has used several poetic devices to express her inner feelings as well as poetic effects with Alliteration, Metaphor, Personification, Simile, Repetition, Hyperbole, Inversion, etc.
For eg. "The river glideth at his own sweet will"
The river is given the human quality of 'Sweet will'.
4. Special Features -
It is a Petrarchan sonnet that consists of fourteen lines with octave (8 lines) and sestet 6 lines).
The poem has rhyming words and a rhyming scheme i.e. abba abba cdcdcd.
Rhyming words -
1st stanza
fair- wear. bare- air
by- majesty lie- sky
2nd stanza
steep- deep -asleep
hill- will -still
5. Message, Value, Morals:
The poet wants to convince the reader to see the beauty in every object of nature. We should find pleasure in every aspect of nature that gives us. Feel enthralled by the essence of nature.
6. Your opinion:
I like the poem very much and started to see the essence of nature in every object that comes in front of me.
Prepared by-
Jyoti Walunj-Landge