Q.4 B. Interview Question - Perlim. Exam- 24

Q. 4 B Interview Question-04 Marks 

Imagine that you are going to interview a very well-known political leader and social activist in the district. Prepare a set of 8 to 10 questions on his or her social behavior and the activities he or she carries out


Name of the interview (distinguished personality)


Anna Hajare 

Area of success/ reputation


Politics and Social Worker

Date/ Venue/ time


16th Jan.2024, Pune, 10.00 am

Duration of Interview


35-45 min.


1. Reaction after victory-

How do you feel after getting this success? 

2. Family background /politics - 

You have a political background so, Have you decided to become a career as a politician in your life? 

3. Instance to join politics-

Do you have any incidents in your life to turn in this field? 

4. Opinion about social service politics-

what is your opinion about social service politics? 

5. Changes expected in people- 

If you want to remove corruption in politics so, What kind of changes do you expect from people? 

6. Work priority-

what is your work priority in this field? 

7. Policy against corruption-

Everybody knows that in politics there are many types of corruption, what are your steps to eradicate corruption? 

8. Dream for the state-

what is your dream for the state? Or What efforts will you make to fulfill your dream for the state? 

9. Message-

Would you like to give any message to the young generation? Or What message would you like to give the upcoming generation? 

 Thank you so much for giving us your special time. Have a nice Day!

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