Q.4 B. Email writing - Example
Q.4 B. Email writing -04 Marks
You are a student of 12 th class. You have planned a family trip to South India. You need a leave for 8 days. Write an email in the proper format with all it's supporting details you wish to include to convince and get your leave approved in about 100 to 150 words.
To: hrmshreenivas13@gmail com.
Subject: Request for 8-day Leave for Family Trip to South India
Respected Sir,
With reference to above mentioned subject, I am Jyoti Walunj Class -XII Div. A ,Roll no.-34 writing to request your kind approval for a leave of absence from 20/07/2023 to 28/07/2023 totaling 8 days. The purpose of this leave is to accompany my family on a much-anticipated trip to South India.
This trip is not only a leisure activity but also an excellent opportunity for me to learn about the diverse culture and heritage of South India, which aligns with my academic interests. I have ensured that I will diligently make up for the missed classes and homework during my absence.
I understand the importance of my studies and assure you that I will strive to maintain academic excellence upon my return. Your understanding and approval for this leave would mean a lot to my family and me.
Thank you for strive my request. I look forward to your positive response.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
[Jyoti Walunj]
[Class: 12thDiv. -A]
[Roll Number- 34]
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