2.2 The Sower
2.2 The sower.
Figure of speech Used in this poem are-
1. Personification
2. Inversion
3. Alliteration
4. Antithesis
5. Hyperbole
Special Figure of Speech -
Imagery -
‘Marches, he along the plane’ – in this line the word ‘marches’ indicates movement and thus creates a visual image in the minds of the readers.
Symbolism -
The dominance of the silhouette of the sower over the deep furrows is symbolic of the dominance of man over nature.
Figure of speech
Examples -
1.Sunlight, I see dying Fast.
Expl: 'Sunlight' has been given the human quality of 'dying'.
2. Shadows run across the lands.
Expl: ' Shadows' has been given the human quality of 'running'.
3. Black and high, his silhouette, Dominate the furrows deep!
Expl: 'Silhouette' has been given the human quality of 'dominating'.
4. Twilight hastens on to the rule.
Expl: Hastening is a human quality. It is given to the non-human object Twilight.
2. Inversion:
"Sitting in a poarchway cool"
The word order is not in correct prose order. The correct prose order is " "Sitting in a cool poarchway ".
"Sunlight, I see, dying fast",
Expl- The word order is not in correct prose order. The correct prose order should be " "I see sunlight dying fast".
"But a sower lingers still"
Expl- The word order is not in correct prose order. The correct prose order should be " But a sower still lingers"
" Old, in rags, he patient stands".
Expl- The word order is not in correct prose order. The correct prose order should be " " Old, in rags, he stands patient(ly)".
"Dominates the furrows deep! "
Expl- The word order is not in correct prose order. The correct prose order should be ""Dominates the deep furrows".
"Now to Sow the task is set".
Expl: The word order is not in correct prose order. The correct prose order should be "The task is set to sow now".
"Soon shall come a lime to reap".
The word order is not in correct prose order. The correct prose order should be " A time to reap shall come soon".
Marches He along the plain.
expl: The word order is not in correct prose order. The correct prose order should be "He marches along the plain".
"From his hands the precious grain".
Expl-The word order is not in correct prose order. The correct prose order should be " The precious grain from his hands".
"Muse I ,as I see him stride".
Expl- The word order is not in correct prose order. The correct prose order should be " "I Muse as I see him stride".
"Now his gestures to mine eyes"
The word order is not in correct prose order. The correct prose order should be " Now to mine eyes his gestures".
3. Alliteration-
"Working hours have well- nigh past".
Expl- The sound of the letter 'w' and 'h' are repeated for poetic effect.
"Black and High, his silhouette".
Expl- The sound of the letter 'h' is repeated for poetic effect.
"Twilight hastens on to rule".
Expl- The sound of the letter 't' is repeated for poetic effect.
"But a sower lingers still".
Expl- The sound of the letter 's ' is repeated for poetic effect.
"Dominates the furrows deep!
Expl- The sound of the letter 'd' is repeated for poetic effect.
"Now to sow the task is set"
Expl- The sound of the letter 's' and 't' are repeated for poetic effect.
"Soon shall come a time to reap".
Expl- The sound of the letter 's' is repeated for poetic effect.
"Seem to touch the starry skies."
Expl- The sound of the letter 's' is repeated for poetic effect.
"Sunlight I see dying fast".
Expl- The sound of the letter 's' is repeated for poetic effect.
"From his hand the precious grain".
Expl- The sound of the letter 'h ' is repeated for poetic effect.
"Muse I ,as I see him stride".
Expl- The sound of the letter 's ' is repeated for poetic effect.
"Darkness deepens Fades the light".
Expl- The sound of the letter 'd ' is repeated for poetic effect.
"Are August; and strange ; his height".
Expl- The sound of the letter 'a ' and 'h' are repeated for poetic effect.
1.His hight seems to touch the starry skies.
Expl: Starry Skies never be touched by height of the person.
1. Darkness deepens, Fades the light.
Expl: Darkness and light is opposite Words.
opposite idea is expressed.
1. Dominates the furrow deep!
Expl: Use of apostrophe for conveying the intensity of action.