XII Q. 4 B. Report Writing-Example 4

Q. 4 B. Report Writing - 04 Marks 

Your college organised a drive against smoking and chewing tobacco in your town. Prepare a report on this event.



PUNE: 19th January, 2023:

An anti-smoking drive was organised by hutatma Rajguru Mahavidyalaya, Rajgurunagar in association with their NSS unit on the occasion of the 'Vanmohassav Program' on 18 th July. Along with teachers under students were present for the drive.

The drive was organised to create awareness among the college going young students. Our Principal Dr. Pingle welcomed the chief-guest Dr. Ramaswami on the occasion. After the inauguration chief guest Dr Ramaswamy in his address advised students to keep themselves away from smoking and chewing tobacco. He also told students how it results in diseases like cancer, high blood pressure and so on. He wanted that chewing tobacco to be very dangerous and can lead to hard ailment as well as mouth cancer. This addiction is a slow poison so he advised students to be away from these things.

The Principal in his speech appealed students saying that they are everything of their parents. Parents have a lot of expectations from the young children. He also told him that they are the future of our country. He appealed to students to join the drive and be responsible for the city.He urged them to strictly keep themselves away from tobacco chewing, smoking and remain firm on it. He also said that only youth can bring change. Two students came forward and narrated their experience after getting victory over the bad habit of smoking and tobacco chewing. 

At the end of the program all students took an oath and pledged that they will keep themselves away from this addiction. The program ended with the vote of thanks by NS secretary Ramesh Kumar. 

-By Class Representative 

Marking Scheme

Content- 02 marks

Accuracy of Language - 01 Marks

Appropriateness -01 marks 

Total - 04 marks

Difficult words- 

drive- program 

Anti smoking - धुम्रपाना विरोधात

In association with - च्या बरोबर

to create - तयार करणे

Awareness -जागरूकता

Inauguration -उदघटन

Advised -सल्ला

ailment - आजार

addiction - व्यसन

appealed - आवाहन करणे

expectations - अपेक्षा 

urged - कळकळीची विनंती

Firm - ठाम असणे, निश्चय

Narrated- कथन करणे

Victory - विजय

Oath- शपथ

Pledged- प्रतिज्ञा

Vote of thanks - आभार मानणे

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