XI 2.1 Cherry Tree - Figure of Speech


Cherry Tree - Figure of Speech

1. Antithesis-

1. It was very small, five months child

Lost in the tall grass running wild.

Ans- Two opposite ideas "small and tall" are placed to each other for showing contrast effect.

2. Come back thinner, rather poor,

But richer by a cherry tree at my door.

Ans-Two opposite ideas "thinner and richer" are placed to each other for showing contrast effect.

2. Metaphor-


Indirect comparison between two objects.


For e g.

 It was very small, five months child

  Lost in the tall grass running wild.

Ans- Indirect comparison between cherry tree's life and child's life.

3. Personification-


It is a figure of speech where human qualities are given to non-human/ non-living objects.


1. And forgot; but cherries have a way of growing,

Ans- 'Cherries' have been given the human quality of growing.

2. I found a tree had come to stay.

Ans- The 'tree' has been given the human quality of coming to stay.

3. Lost in the tall grass running wild.

Ans- The 'tall' grass has been given the human quality of 'running wild'

4. The young tree struggle, upward thrust.

Ans-The 'tree' has been given the human quality of the 'struggling'.

5. Who watched, wandering, while Time and the rain

Ans- 'Time' and 'Rain' have been given human quality.

6. At the mearest breath, the sleepiest breeze.....

Ans- The 'breeze' has been given the human quality of being 'sleepy'.

7. And moon-moths and singing crickets and I

Ans-The 'crickets' have been given the human quality of of being able 'to sing'.

4. Climax


The words are arranged in ascending order.( Lower to higher)


1. For light it and air and sun

Ans-the words light yeah and son have been arrange in the ascending order.

2. Pink, fragile, quick to fall.

Ans-The word 'pink' , 'fragile' arranged in ascending order.

3. Yes, I! - praised Night and Stars and Tree:

Ans-The word 'night' 'stars' and the 'tree' have been arranged in ascending order.

5. Anticlimax-


The words are arranged in descending order.


1. And forgot; but cherries have a way of growing,

Though no one's caring very much or knowing

Ans- The words in the sentence- caring and knowing arranged in the desending order.

6. Alliteration-

The consonant sound or letter'...' is repeated for poetic effect.


1. Since I placed my Cherry seed in the grass.

Ans- The consonant sound or letter 's' is repeated for poetic effect.

2. Must have poetry of my own I said

 Ans- The consonant sound or letter 'm' is repeated for poetic effect.

3. And watered it once and went to bed

Ans-The consonant sound or letter 'w' is repeated for poetic effect.

4. And suddenly that summer near the end of me.

Ans- The consonant sound or letter 's' is repeated for poetic effect.

5. Goats ate the leaves, the grass cutter scythe

Ans- The consonant sound or letter 'g' is repeated for poetic effect.

6. Shrivelled the slender stem......Even so,

Ans- The consonant sound or letter 's' is repeated for poetic effect.

7. Next spring I watched three new shoots grow,

The consonant sound or letter's' and 'n' is repeated for poetic effect.

8. The young tree struggle, upward thrust

The consonant sound or letter'...' is repeated for poetic effect.

9 . Its arms in a fresh fierce lust

Ans-The consonant sound or letter 'f' is repeated for poetic effect.

10. Who watched, wandering, while Time and the rain

Ans-The consonant sound or letter 'w' is repeated for poetic effect.

11. Made a miracle from green growing pain.....

Ans-The consonant sound or letter 'm' and 'g' is repeated for poetic effect.

12. Spent season in Kashmir-

Ans- The consonant sound or letter 's' is repeated for poetic effect.

13. And I could scarcely believe it- a berry.

Ans- The consonant sound or letter 'b' repeated for poetic effect.

14. At the mearest breath, the sleepiest breeze.....

Ans- The consonant sound or letter 'b' is repeated for poetic effect.

15. Looking up through leaves at the blue

Ans- The consonant sound or letter 'l' is repeated for poetic effect.

16. Blind sky, at the finches as they flew

Ans-The consonant sound or letter 'f' is repeated for poetic effect.

17. Of nectar from each bloom and the sun sank

Ans- The consonant sound or letter 's' is repeated for poetic effect.

18. Swiftly, and the stars turned in the sky, 

Ans- The consonant sound or letter 's' is repeated for poetic effect.

7. Repetition-

1. And watered it once and went to bed

Ans- The word 'and' is repeated for poetic effect.

Yes, I! - praised Night and Stars and Tree:

Ans- The word 'and' is repeated for poetic effect.

Prepared by -Jyoti Walunj-Landge



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