XI- Sub- English - Format of Annual Exam 22-23

Hutatma Rajguru Mahavidyalaya, Rajgurunagar

Annual Exam  Question Paper Format

(Arts, Commerce, Science & HSVC)

             Subject- English

Class- XII          Marks- 80

Subject Teacher- Jyoti Landge - Walunj 


Q.1. Activities based on SEEN  passage. (12 Marks )

A. 1 Global understanding: (02)

A. 2 Complex facts: (02)

A.3  Inference /Interpretation

Analysis:   (02)

A.4 Personal Response:  (02)

A.5 Language study: (02)

A.6 Vocabulary:  (02)

B1: Language Study (Non-textual Grammar) (04 Marks)

B.2 Spot the error. (01)

Q.2. Activities based on UNSEEN  passage. (12Marks)

A. 1 Global understanding: (02)

A. 2 Complex facts: (02)

A.3  Inference /Interpretation /Analysis:   (02)

A.4 Personal Response:  (02)

A.5 Language study: (02)

A.6 Vocabulary:  (02)

Q.2 B.  SUMMARY:  (03 Marks)

Write a summary of the above extract with the help of the points given below and suggest a suitable title: 

Q 2 C. Note-Making:  (03 Marks )


Q 3. A.  POEM

Read the extract and complete the activities given below: (10 Marks)

(Seen extract from a poem of about 10-15 lines)

A. 1 Global understanding: (02)

A.2 Inference /Interpretation a

Analysis:   (02)

A.3 Personal Response:  (02)

A.4 Poetic Device : (02)

A.6 Poetic Creativity:  (02)

Q. 3.B Appreciation.    (04 Marks)

Read the extract and write as per the instructions:


Attempt Anyone 

Q.4A. Email Writing (complaint) or Email Writing ( Leave Application) or Dialogue Writing (04Marks)

Q.4 B. Expansion of Writing or Blog writing or Film Review  (04Marks)

Q. 4.C. Appeal Writing or Leaflet or Report Writing or View- Counterview (04Marks)

Q4 D. Speech Writing or Interview  or Compering Writing  (04Marks)


πŸ‘‰Q. 5 A (Please Note: activities in question 5 A Should be framed on textbook content number 4.1- History of English Drama )πŸ‘ˆ

Complete the activities given below as per the instructions: (04)

1. Activities on the History of English Drama.  (2marks)

2. Activities on the History of English Drama (02 marks)

(Activities to be framed on MCQ)

Match the columns 

Chronological order

Fill in the blanks

True -False 

Elements of Drama or Any other Drama activity)

πŸ”΄Note- ( Activity should not be repeated in the sub-questions)πŸ”΄

Q.5 B Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below: (04 marks)

(Questions to be framed on elements such as Plot/ structure /theme/ setting /character/ Language, style, and Tone)

1. Describe /Explain /Compare Contrast/ Name/ Discuss (02 marks)

2. Illustrate/ Interpret/ Narrate/ Justify/ Find/ Identify (02 marks)


(Activities in Q.5 B should be framed on textbook content number 4.2 The Rising of the Moon )πŸ”΄

Q.5 C Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below: (04 marks)

(Questions to be framed on elements such as Plot/ structure /theme/ setting /character/ Language, style, and Tone)

1. Describe /Explain /Compare Contrast/ Name/ Discuss (02 marks)

2. Illustrate/ Interpret/ Narrate/ Justify/ Find/ Identify (02 marks)


(Activities in Q.5 C should be framed on textbook content number 4.3 A. Midsummer Nights' Dream)πŸ”΄

Q.5 D. Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below: (04 marks)

(Questions to be framed on elements such as Plot/ structure /theme/ setting /character/ Language, style, and Tone)

1. Describe /Explain /Compare Contrast/ Name/ Discuss (02 marks)

2. Illustrate/ Interpret/ Narrate/ Justify/ Find/ Identify (02 marks)


(Activities in Q.5 D should be framed textbook content number B.4.4  An Enemy of the People)πŸ”΄


Distribution of Marks as per the Sections in the Activity Sheet-

Prose- 34 Marks with Options -34

Poetry- 14 Marks with Options - 14

Writing Skill -16 Marks with Options -52

Drama -16 Marks with Options - 16


Format of Oral Exam - 22-23

Oral Exam - 20 Marks

Listening Skill  : 
Q.1.  Sentences  - 5 marks
Specimen  Sentences - 
1.  He read a red covered book.
2. There are five sheep on the ship.
3. I am doing a short - term course in short hand 4. I am here to hear this news .
5. This can opener can open any can.
6. Let her solve her problem later.
7. The goods were stored in the warehouse. 
8. The harder you try , the the more you head ahead.
9. Failure is the stepping stone to success. 
10. Prepare your own biodata profile. 

Q.2  Passage / Story
Write the answers of the given questions  .
3 questions   - 5 marks.

Q.3. Speaking Skill.  10 marks.

- Self Introduction 
- Prepared a speech  on any topic
For examples - 
1. Computer - Boon / Curse
2. City life - Village life
3. Importance of Sports
4. How to protect your environment 
5. Importance of Social Service 
6. How to keep your surrounding clean.
7. My Hobby
- Appreciation of Any poem

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