4.3 (B) An Enemy of the People- Activity No.3

 4.3 (B) An Enemy of the People

Activity No.3

 A.1. Describe the character – Dr. Stockmann.

Dr. Stockmann- is the protagonist and the main character of the play. He is a medical officer and a family man. He is described as a friend of the people. He has discovered that the Bath in the town are contaminated and wants to instruct the town to repair or close them. He is a brave and courageous person. His views and beliefs do not change. He wrote one article and insisted to publish it to get the real picture of the baths.

A.2. Spot the error and write the correct statement.

1. The enemy of the people is a play that highlights the honesty of people.

Ans- The enemy of the people is a play that exposes the corruption of power.

2. The protagonist of the play states that fighting for the truth alone has tired and weakened him.

Ans- The protagonist of the play states that fighting for the truth alone has made him the strongest man in the world.

3. Aslaksen is known for his extremist views.

Ans-  Aslaksen is known for his moderate views.

4. The title of the play is based on Peter Stockmann.

Ans- The title of the play is based on Dr. Stockmann.

5. In order to fix the issue with the baths, the Mayor offers to raise money from the proprietors.

Ans- In order to fix the issue with the baths, the Mayor's offer to raise money must come out of the municipal funds of the town.

6. Peter Stockmann is sincere in his flattery of Aslaksem

Ans- Peter Stockmann flatters Aslaksen so he can manipulate him.

A.3. Pick out the dialogue from the play that suggests the meaning of the given statements-

1. Aslaksen suggests that printing the report will damage the newspaper’s reputation.

Ans- Mr. Hovstad is not such a fool as to go and ruin his paper and himself for the sake of an imaginary grievance.

2. Dr.Stockmann’s first reaction was when he noticed the Mayor’s hat and stick.

Ans-  What the deuce is that lying there?

3. The Mayor remarks that publishing the report will mean tourism will go down.

Ans- Do you suppose we shall have a single visitor in the town if we go about proclaiming that our water is polluted, that we are living over a plague spot, that the entire town-

4. The Mayor mentions the worst consequences of publishing the report.

Ans- the most fatal of it is that we shall be obliged to shut the Baths for a couple of years.

5.Peter Stockmann flatters Aslaksen.

Ans- You are a discreet and thoughtful man, Mr. Aslaksen.

6. Mrs. Stockmann blames Hovstad for the publication of the report.

Ans- And that is why you wrong us, Mr.Hovstad, in enticing my husband away from his home and making a dupe of him in all this.

7. Petra does not believe in the view that the good is always rewarded and the bad are always punished.

Ans- For myself, I do not believe a word of it. You know quite well that things do not happen so in reality.

8. Aslksen asks Billing to be cautious in his support of Dr. Stockmann against the local authorities.

Ans- And as for you, Mr. Billing, I should think it is time for you to be taking in a reef or two in your sails, seeing that you are applying for the post of secretary to the Bench.

Prepared by- Jyoti Walunj-Landge

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