1.2 A Midsummer- Night’s Dream-Activity 1

 1.2   A Midsummer- Night’s Dream

Activity  No.1

A.1.Discuss the theme of the drama ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’.

Ans- A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a comedy of errors. The theme of this play is love. Everything that appears beautiful is not love. Many times attraction to each other is considered as love but it is not true love. It’s just a physical attraction. True love never changes. 

A.2. Write character traits of-

1. Lysander- It is an active and dynamic character. Under the spell of love juice, he declares his love for Helena and thus he has a change of emotions.

2. Hermia -

It is a static character. She loves Demetrius and her love for him never changes. She becomes agitated because of the humiliation by Hermia and Lysander.

A.2. Justify: ‘ A Midsummer Night's Dream’ is a comedy.

Ans- Comedy is a literary genre and a type of dramatic work that is amusing and satirical in its tone, and mostly has a cheerful ending. It is the triumph over unpleasant circumstances by creating comic effects, resulting in a happy or successful ending. A Midsummer Night's Dream is a classic example of comedy. There is humorous confusion. The elements like wordplay, miscommunication, mistaken identity and confusion create humour. It is a comedy of errors and it has a happy ending. So A Midsummer Night's dream is a comedy.


Activity No. 3

A.1. Draw a character sketch of Oberon as an enemy of his wife.

Ans- Oberon is the king of fairies. He is initially angry with his wife, Titania, because she refuses to give up control of the Indian boy. Oberon becomes jealous and there is a fight between him and Titania. He is determined to get the boy and he makes one plan. He sends Puck to obtain the love potion that will make Titania fall in love with the first person she sees. He wants to teach her a lesson. But finally, he learns his mistake and understands that the path of love is not easy. He removes Titania from under the spell.

A.2 Correct the sentences with justification.

The play is restricted to only a part of the woods.

Ans- The play is not completely restricted only a part of the Woods. It takes place in different parts of Woods. The scene with Hermia, Helena, Lysander and Demetrius takes place in one part of the woods. The scenes with Titania and Bottom take place in another part. The four lovers wander everywhere so the play is spread over a portion of the woods.


 -Prepared by- Jyoti Landge-Walunj

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