Q.4 B Interview Question - Doctor

 Q.4 B Interview Question - 04 Marks 

Q.4 B Imagine, you have to interview a Doctor. With the help of the given table and points, draft questions for an interview. (Do not change the sequences of the questions)


Name of the Doctor- Dr. Sancheti 

Name of the interviewee -Mrs. Jyoti D. Walunj


Date/ Venue/ Time-26th Jan. 2023, Sancheti Hospital, Pune, 10.00 am

Duration of interview- 30 min.


1. Need to select the field-

How did you decide to become a Doctor? Or

2. Strong and weak points

As human beings, we have strong and weak points, How do you tackle your weak points? and what efforts do you take for overcoming these weaknesses? 

3. Support-

Do you think that the support system plays a vital role in our life?

4. Qualities required-  

The doctor is directly operating human beings so it's a very difficult job, so in complicated cases what kind of qualities do you need in yourself? 


Operating a human being is a really challenging task, so what kind of qualities do you think you need for your profession? 

5. Difficulties / Efforts -

"Every profession has its own pros and cons",  so, would you like to share your difficult efforts while handling critical cases? 

6. Inspiration -

Do you think inspiration is important for our success? Or

Does inspiration show us a path to our success?

7. Dreams

Would you like to share your new/next dream plan?

8. Message - 

What kind of message would you like to give for pursuing as a Doctor field? 

Thank you very much Dr. Sancheti for giving us your special time for us.

Have a nice day!

Prepared by Jyoti Walunj-Landge      

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