Q.4 B Interview Question - Doctor
Q.4 B Interview Question - 04 Marks
Q.4 B Imagine, you have to interview a Doctor. With the help of the given table and points, draft questions for an interview. (Do not change the sequences of the questions)
Name of the Doctor- Dr. Sancheti
Name of the interviewee -Mrs. Jyoti D. Walunj
Date/ Venue/ Time-26th Jan. 2023, Sancheti Hospital, Pune, 10.00 am
Duration of interview- 30 min.
1. Need to select the field-
How did you decide to become a Doctor? Or
2. Strong and weak points-
As human beings, we have strong and weak points, How do you tackle your weak points? and what efforts do you take for overcoming these weaknesses?
3. Support-
Do you think that the support system plays a vital role in our life?
4. Qualities required-
The doctor is directly operating human beings so it's a very difficult job, so in complicated cases what kind of qualities do you need in yourself?
Operating a human being is a really challenging task, so what kind of qualities do you think you need for your profession?
5. Difficulties / Efforts -
"Every profession has its own pros and cons", so, would you like to share your difficult efforts while handling critical cases?
6. Inspiration -
Do you think inspiration is important for our success? Or
Does inspiration show us a path to our success?
7. Dreams-
Would you like to share your new/next dream plan?
8. Message -
What kind of message would you like to give for pursuing as a Doctor field?
Thank you very much Dr. Sancheti for giving us your special time for us.
Have a nice day!
Prepared by Jyoti Walunj-Landge