2.5 Nose Versus Eyes-Appreciation

 2.5 Nose versus Eyes

Appreciation of the Poem

Title and the poet

The title of the poem is ‘ Nose Verses Eyes’ written by William Cowper. He was one of the most popular in 18th century English poet and his poems deal with Nature and everyday life. The title contains the sensory organs and they symbolize human behaviour.

Theme of the poem

It is funny and a satire on the human behaviour as well as the proceedings of the court where judgement is passed without careful consideration.

Poetic device

 The major figure of speech used here includes –Personification, Tautology Simile, Alliteration, Imagery and Inversion. While inversion has been used to maintain the rhyme scheme and add to poetic effect, imagery helps to paint a vivid picture of the court setting in the minds of the readers. The highlight of the poem is the personification of the eyes, nose and the tongue. The characters assigned to each one of them are perfectly fitting and add to the humorous nature of the poem.

Eight stanzas present a mockery on judiciary system by using simple and complex sentences and a variety of punctuation. Each stanza consists of four lines. The first line rhymes with the third line and the second line rhymes with the fourth line. The rhyme scheme of the poem is abab and provides a song-like flow to the poem.

Stanza       Rhyme Pair              Rhyme Scheme

1    Arose-knows ; Wrong-belong         abab

2   Cause-laws ; Learning-discerning  abab

3    Appear-wear ; find-mind                abab

4     Court-short ; straddle-saddle         abab

5    Suppose-nose ; again-then             abab

6.   Shows-nose ; condemn-them        abab

7     How-know ; eyes-wise                   abab

8   Tone-on ; but- shut                           abab

Special Features

 The poem presents a mild criticism of judiciary system in a humorous manner. To mock at blind justice is quite to tough job.

Message of the poem-/ Morals of the poem- In many occasions the claim of possessions is made by those who do not deserve it at all and the deserving one is deprived of what is his.

My opinion about the poem

 It was funny poem. It makes me laugh. It is a satire on the courtroom drama. I like very much. I enjoyed it.

Prepared by -Jyoti Walunj 

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