2.5 Nose Verses Eyes-Acitivity 2
2.5 Nose Verses Eyes
Activity No.1
Between Nose and Eyes .......................just like a saddle. (Pg no.- )
A.1 Global understanding
Reason of dispute - Which does spectacle
Dispute in Between-Nose and Eyes
A.2 Analysis : The poet chose ear as the judge. Give its reason.
Ans- In the court to deliver a fair judgement based on the arguments, the judge must carefully listen to all the information and evidence presented before him or her. So, ‘listen carefully’ is the best quality for a judge. Ear has the ability to listen carefully. So the poet chose the ear as the judge.
A.3 Personal Response: Name the any four sensory organs and provide phrases/idioms/proverbs related to them.
Ans- Ear- to turn a deaf ear,
Eyes- A birds eye view, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, turn a blind eye
Tongue- tongue tied, a slip of the tongue
Nose- under the nose, keep one’s nose out of ,
Skin- get under someone’s skin, thick skinned, beauty is only skin-deep.
A.4 Poetic Device:
“ So, Tongue was the lawyer, and argued the cause”
Find out the figure of speech in the above line and explain.
Ans- Personification--
The ‘tongue’ is personified, having the quality of human being as lawyer.
A.5. Poetic Creativity: Compose two lines of your own on any sensory organ.
Eyes can see and ears can hear
Use them effectively taking care
Tongue is smart, sweet, and slipped
Never crossed your tongue between teeth
Prepared by -Jyoti Walunj