1.8 Voyaging Towards Excellence -Acitivity No.1
1.8 Voyaging Towards Excellence
Activity No.1
Read the extract and complete the activities given below:
I had very simple………..it is the arts, music and literature.
A.1. State whether the following statements are true or false
1. The writer’s house did not have basic amenities in his childhood.
Ans- True
2. The writer used to meet great poets and musicians in his childhood dream.
Ans- False. The correct statement is ‘Great poets and musicians used to visit writer’s house.’
3. The writer used to hear the discussion about music, literature, paintings, sculptures etc.
Ans- True
4. Money enriches human lives and puts meaning to human existence.
Ans- False. Arts, music and literature enriches human lives and puts meaning to human existence.
A.2 Complete the table taking the help of the extract.
1. Persons used to visit writer’s house-
Poets- Vinda Karandikar, Mangesh Padgaonkar and Vasant Bapat
Topics of discussion/talk to-
Discussions about poetry and literature -English and Marathi. They talk about Keshavsut, Mardhekar, Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy
2. Persons used to visit writer’s house-
Musicians- Pt. Kumar Gandharv, Pt. Bhimsen Joshi and Pt. Jasraj
Topics of discussion/talk to- Indian Music
A.3. Explain how did the writer’s childhood culturally rich.
Ans- The writer’s childhood culturally rich because-
i. In his childhood, Poets like Vinda Karandikar, Mangesh Padgaonkar and Vasant Bapat used to visit his house and discussed about poetry and literature -English and Marathi. They talk about Keshavsut, Mardhekar, Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy.
ii Musicians like Pt. Kumar Gandharv, Pt. Bhimsen Joshi and Pt. Jasraj used to visit his house and talked about Indian music.
iii. He also listened to the discussion about Van Gogh, Mozart and Michelangelo etc.
iv. So, his upbringing was started from listening all this kind of discussion like arts, music, literature, paintings, sculptures that’s why the writer said his childhood culturally rich.
A.4 ‘Money does not mean everything in life.’ Give your views about this statement.
Ans- ‘Money does not mean everything in life’ I agree this statement because -
i. Money has its limitations. We cannot bring all things in money.
ii. We cannot purchase happiness and contentment through money.
iii. Money cannot count and share internal happiness to anyone. In our bad patch or situation money does not help to certain extent but our near dear ones, friends help us to overcome in our bad situation.
iv. Money gives us materialistic pleasure but cannot give you immense pleasure.
v. We learn values, beliefs from society nor form money.
A.5 Language Study-
1. I had a very simple upbringing.
(Identify the tense), (Make exclamatory Sentence)
Ans- Tense- Simple Past Tense
Exclamatory- What a simple upbringing I had!
2. I did not fully understand their discussion in depth, but I was immensely impressed. (Remove ‘but’)
Ans- Though I did not fully understand their discussions in depth, I was immensely impressed.
A.6 Vocabulary-
Make nouns from the following words.
Child- childhood
Enrich- enrichment
Believe- belief
Exist- existence
Prepared by -Jyoti Walunj
H.R.Mahavidyalaya, Rajgurunagar