1.3 The Call of the Soil- Activity 1

 1.3 The Call of the Soil-

Activity No.1

Q. 1. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.


The first crop............. Major moral booster.

Pg no 26&27

A 1.Global Understanding:

Name the following:

1.The broker who got the deal of the land to the author.

Ans- Moru Dada

2. The state which was adjacent to the author's place.

Ans- Gujrat

3. The place from where the author purchased the seeds.


4. The amount of moong invested by the author.

Ans- 300kg

A. 2 Inference/ Interpretation

Explain why the writer do not want to use any chemicals on the crops.

Ans- The writer did not want to use any chemicals on the crops because he wanted to grow them organically and also to test the land fertility for future produce.

A. 3 Analysis:

Give reasons for the following:

1. The writer felt exhilarated because.....

Ans-He was witnessing his first crop and couldn't believe that he was owner such a beautiful land.

2. The writer was grateful to have taken Moru Dada's advice because....

Ans-He was thrilled by his organic produce.

3. The writer disagreed with Moru Dada because....

Ans-He did not want to spray pesticides on the plants.

4. Unlike Maru Dada author wasn't keen and using pesticides on plants because....

Ans- Author believes in the philosophy that nature doesn't need a bribe to get her work done.

A.4 Personal Response:

If you were in the writers place what would you have chosen- organic farming for quality produce or conventional farming for quantity? Give reasons? 

Ans-if I were in the writers place I would also chosen organic farming over conventional farming like the writer did in today's fast paced world , unadulterated food items are scarce. Hence to maintain a healthy lifestyle, I would have definitely taken up organic farming than any other.

A.5 Vocabulary:

Guess the meaning of the word 'lush' in the passage's context.

Ans- Thick growth of plants.

A.6 Do as directed: 

1. The moong plant were not more than two feet tall. ( Change into Affirmative)

Ans- The moong plants were only two feet tall.

2. It was possible to grow crops without chemicals. (Rewrite as a negative sentence)

Ans- It wasn't impossible to grow crops without chemicals. 

Prepared by -

Jyoti Walunj -Landge

Hutatma Rajguru Mahavidyalaya, Rajgurunagar 

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