XI. 1.1 Being Neighborly- Activity 3.

 1.1 Being Neighborly 

Activity No. 3

The gruff voice was gruffer than ever, as the old gentleman......................she imagined herself telling the story at home. Pg no- 11& 12

A.1. Global understanding ; 

Give a brief account of the interaction between Grandpa and Jo.

Ans- Jo expressed her thoughts about Grandpa. Grandpa thanked her hearing her expressions about him. She blushed and felt uncomfortable about what she had said about Grandpa. but Grandpa accepted her remarks and made her comfortable with soft words. He enquired about her presence with his grandson Laurie. She claimed that he needed to become friendlier with neighbours. Grandpa accepted her thinking.

A.2 Complex factual:

Complete the sentence

In spite of Jo’s apprehensions, Grandpa is-

1.     Pleased and gives a sharp laugh

2.     He shakes hand with her.

A.3. Analysis

Write what Jo meant by this

1.     “only trying to be neighbourly, sir”

2.     Splendid Christmas or esent

Ans-1. Here Jo only meant that she was doing her duty as a good neighbour. She just wanted the neighbour boy of her age should not be lonely. He should get company of the persons of his age.

2.Here Jo reminded the kindness of Laurie’s grandfather who had sent them the splendid Christmas present

A.4.Give your views (Any Two)

Friendship to me means-

Ans- 1. Get moral support in difficulties.

2.Ready to sacrifice anything

3. caring and sharing

4.place to open your heart and feel relax. 

A.5 Language study

1.That answer pleased the old gentleman. (Change it into past perfect tense)

Ans= That answer had pleased the  old gentleman.

2. I shall come and see your mother some fine day. (Make Simple entence)

Ans= I shall come to see your mother some fine day.

A.6. Vocabulary

Find the contextual meaning of the following words.

1.     Boy’s affair

2.     seems a little lonely

Ans=1.Behaviorractivity of the boy Laurie.

Ans=2. The boy is alone as he does not get the company of his age persons.

Mrs. Jyoti D. Walunj (M.A., B.Ed, M.Ed, M.Phil)

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