Q.4.A Virtual Message -Notes &Example
Virtual Message Writing:
Q.4.A Drafting Virtual Message - 04Marks
Most often the input for a message comes in the form of a telephonic conversation between two people. The virtual conversation conveyed in the conversation is to be converted into a message for a third person. Such messages are written on small pieces of papers called memo-slips.
Format of message:
1) Date-
2) Time-
3) Name of a person to whom the message is directed-(Name of Receiver)
4) Body of the message-
5) Name of the writer / sender-
6) Write message in a rectangular bracket-
7) The word limit of a message should be 50 to 100 words only-
Points to remember:
1) Only the most important details should be written.
2) No new information should be added.
3) Grammatically correct sentences should be used.
4) The message should be written in simple language and without any abbreviations.
5) Check your message before you submit and send it.
6) Be friendly and polite.
7) Avoid the words that would create confusion or a chaotic situation.
Important points to Remember -
1) Make sure to use the language that is suitable for the reader.
2) Keep to the word limit up to 50 to 100 words.
3) Do not add extra information. Message should be short and to-the-point.
4) Plan before you pen. Just make a list of all the important points so that you do not forget the relevant points while writing.
5) Make sure you double check for grammatical accuracy and spellings.
6) Enclose the message within a box using a pencil or pen.
7) Do not use long sentences in the body of the message.
Example -
Q. 1. In pairs, enact the given conversation between Rakesh and Mrs. Sarkar.
Rakesh: Hello, may I speak to Dr Sarkar?
Mrs. Sarkar: He has gone to the hospital to attend the OPD. May I know who is speaking?
Rakesh: Yes. I am Rakesh Sood. My wife has been having a severe headache since yesterday. Since this morning she has also developed a high temperature. I would be very grateful if the doctor could come over to our place to examine her.
Mrs. Sarkar: Of course. Please let me note down your address.
Rakesh: It is B-49, New Colony.
Mrs. Sarkar: I will give him your message as soon as he returns.
Rakesh: Thank you.
Mrs. Sarkar had to leave for the school where she teaches. So she wrote a message to her husband. Draft the message in not more than 50 words.
16th Sep.
10:30 a.m.
Dr. Sarkar
Mr.Rakesh called up to say that his wife is down with a severe headache since yesterday, which turned into high-temperature today morning. He has requested that you visit them at the earliest. Address – B – 49, New Colony.
Mrs. Sarkar
16th Sep.
1030 a.m.
Dr. Sarkar
Mr.Rakesh Sood stays at B – 49, New Colony, called up to say that his wife has been facing a severe headache since yesterday, and today morning she has also developed high-temperature. He has requested that you visit them at the earliest.
Mrs. Sarkar