Q.4 B.Email writing -Example 1

 Q.4 B. Email Writing -04 Marks

Q.4 B. Email Writing -04 Marks

Question -  Imagine that you ate a shopkeeper of a gift article. A customer had given the order for purchasing articles but has some difficulties with giving delivery in time due to shortage. Write an email to him/her apologizing for the delay.


Note- Dear Students, write down this draft in above mentioned format.

From: giftartical12@gmail.com

To: sameervyas11@gmail.com



Subject: An Apology for the delayed delivery of gift articles.

Dear Sir, /Respected Sir,

Concerning the above subject, I humbly regret delaying our service.You are one of our oldest and esteemed customers, as you know, we are very punctual with our delivery.

In a business, sometimes some unexpected things or circumstances happen. I am sorry for saying this to our workers who are on strike for their demands and they didn't inform us. So today we will sort out this problem and we provide your order before your function. As we promised you, we will send your delivery on 18th Sep, but now we will send delivery on 21 Sep.2022.

It's my assurance that we will not suffer or trouble you in your function.

Thanks & Regards,




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