XI 2.1Cherry Tree -Appreciation
2.1 Cherry Tree- Ruskin Bond
Appreciation of the poem-
1. About the poem, poet, and title-
Cherry Tree is a beautiful poem written by Ruskin Bond. It is a narrative poem describing the everyday struggle of a plant to grow & blossom. The poet’s tone is optimistic and full of wonder for nature – he focuses on the growing aspect of nature. The poem has a beginning, a middle, and an end. It’s a simple poem about the poet’s innocent & pure joy. All the incidents are in a nice sequence.
2. Theme/Summary/Gist of the Poem-
The poet planted a cherry seed which grew into a fully blossomed tree after a wait of eight years. The poem is all about this wonderful experience and the survival instinct of the tree. The time, that is the seasons and the rain helped the tree grow and the poet watched this patiently without much to do. The poem is about the poet’s sense of achievement & pride in having nurtured a tree.
3. Poetic Style/ Language, Poetic Devices used in the Poem-
The style & language of the poem is simple. Poetic devices such as Alliteration, Antithesis, Climax, Personification, and Repetition are used by the poet.
For e.g.- “A Tree had come to stay”
Personification :
Expl- A tree has attributed the human quality of coming and staying.
The important aspect of this poem is its picturesque depiction & colorful imagery. The whole process of a seed turning into a plant is been made appealing to the readers with colorful & vivid descriptions. The references to seasons, the sky, animals, birds, and insects focus on the wonders of nature.
4. Message/ Values/Morals in the Poem
The poem gives a message of nature conservation- tree plantation & its importance. The cherry tree is indeed a ‘Giving Tree’. It also speaks about the tree’s determination to grow despite all odds.
5. Your opinion about the poem-
I like the poem for its positive, optimistic tone. It encourages us to overcome the obstacles, and hardships we may face in life & become resilient like the cherry tree.
--Prepared By- Jyoti D. Walunj-Landge