On Saying 'Please'-Vocabulary & Activity

 1.2 On Saying 'Please'

Vocabulary -

1. threw- बाहेर फेकणे

throw - threw - thrown 

2. fine - Punishment - दंड

fine - fined - fined

3. Offence - गुन्हा

4. undoubtedly - निःसंशय 

5. Complainant - फिर्यादी ( कम्पप्लेनंट)

6. concession - सवलत 

7. refused - नाकारणे 

8. decline - नाकारणे 

9. To comply with - मान्य करणे, admit 

10.hurled - बाहेर फेकणे 

11. Discourtesy - rudeness, lack of politeness अनादर, असभ्य वर्तन, 

12. assault and battery - प्राणघातक हल्ला आणि मारपीट an attack which includes not only threads but also the actual use of voilence.

13.burglar- robber चोर , घरफोड करणारा 

14.to acquit- दोषमुक्त करणे, discharge 

15.retaliate - बदला घेणे hit back, do something bad to someone who has done something bad to you., revenge 

16. assailants - मारेकरी an attacker 

17.legislate -. कायदे करणे, make a law or laws 

18.voilence - action or feeling that causes damage, unrest etc. 

19.Scowl- कपाळावरची आठी  .

20 idle- आळशी, कार्यहीन 

21. gutters- नाला 

22.haughty - गर्विष्ठ , proud, arrogant 

23. boorish - उद्धट, rude, ill- mannered 

24.attune- मेळ घालने 

25. Sensibilities - सवेंदनक्षमता 

26.moustache - मिशा 

27. ringlets- केंसाची बेट curl

28. laceration - वेदना 

A. 6. Find out the meaning of following words:

1. Boorish -

2. Assailant - 

3. Offence - 

4- Discourtesy - 

A. 2. Use negative prefix -un/dis of the following words.  

Courtesy - 



Conditionly -

aware - 

able - 

A. 6. Match the pairs

A                                                B

1. threw                             rudeness 

2. Discourtesy -                robber 

3. retaliate -                      revenge

4. Burglar -                        hurled

A. 6Find out synonyms words from the extract.

1. threw-

2. burglar 

3. refused- 

4. Crime- 


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