XII 3. The Inchcape Rock - Vocabulary

 3. The Inchcape Rock -


1. Stir - swirl , shake हलवणे, गोल गोल फिरणे 

2. Sail - शीड canvas

3. Keel - कणा the long piece of wood or metal along the bottom of a boat that is part of its frame and helps to keep the boat balanced in the water.

4. Still- calm

5. Steady - calm, silent

6. Buoy- floating object anchored in the sea to mark dangerous places 

7. Surge's swell - sudden and great rise in the level of the sea. समुद्राच्या पातळीत आचानक झालेली प्रचंड वाढ.

8. mariners - seamen, sailors नाविक, खलाशी 

9.Perilous- dangerous धोकादायक 

10.Blest- आशीर्वाद, आभार मानणे 

11. Gay - happiness

12.Scream - ओरडणे, किंचाळणे 

13. joyance- happiness 

14. Speck- a tiny dot लहान ठिपका 

15. Fixed his eye- looked at it for a long time बऱ्याच वेळ रोखून पाहणे 

16. Mirthful to excesss- extremely happy अतिशय आनंदी 

17.Wickedness- दुष्टपणा

18.Float- तरंगणे 

19.Quoth- said म्हणाला 

20.Plague- cause pain or trouble त्रास देणे

21.Bent- खाली वाकणे, झुकणे 

22. Cut कापणे 

23. Sunk - to go to the bottom बुडाला जाणे 

24. gurgling- आवाज 

25. Scour'd - travelled freely,  energetically for ships to rob जहाजे लुटण्यासाठी मुक्त विहार

26. Plunder'd store- big amount of looted wealth प्रंचड संपत्ती 

27. Steers- directs the course of the ship jahaj योग्य दिशेने चालवणे 

28. Haze- thin mist धुके 

29. Blown-

30.gale- a very strong wind वादळ 

31.Dawn  पाहट 

32.Roar- ओरडणे, किंचाळणे 

33.Methinks-  it seems to me 

34.Shore - किनारा 

35. Drift- कडा 

36. shivering-  थर थर कापणे 

37. Tore- pulled hard जोरात खेचले, ओढले 

38. Curst- शिव्याशाप देणे

39. Despair- निराशा 

40.Sinking - बुडणे 

41. Tide- लाटा waves

42. Dreadful- भयानक 

43. Knell- the sound of a bell rung solemnly after death or at funeral announcement of death मृतुसूचक घंटानाद 

Verb Forms

 1. rise- rose- risen

 2. fall- fell - felt

 3. move- moved -moved

4. placed- placed -placed

5. ring- rung -rang

6. Hide- hid- hidden

7. Know - knew- known

8. Bless- blessed/ blest  - blessed/blest

9. Walk - walked - walked

10. Fix - fixed - fixed

11. Feel - felt - felt

12.sing- sang -sung

13. bend - bent - bent 

14. Cut - cut- cut

15. sink- sank- sunk 

16. float - floated - floated 

17. tear - tore- torn 


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