XII 3. The Inchcape Rock - FOS
3 .The Inchcape Rock- Robert Southey
Figure of Speech-
1) No stir in the air, no stir in the sea
Repetition- The word 'no stir' is repeated for poetic effect.
Alliteration - The sound ‘n' & 's' are repeated for poetic effect.
Anaphora- ‘No stir in the ’ these words are repeated at the beginning of the line.
2) The ship was as still as she could be
Personification - The ship is personified. / Non- living object 'ship' is having human quality ‘still’ (Steadiness).
Alliteration - The sound ’s’ or ' sh' is repeated for poetic effect.
Simile- The ship’s steadiness is directly compared with still (steady motion) using the word ‘as’.
3) Her sails from heaven received no motion
Alliteration- The sound of 'h' is repeated for poetic effect.
Personification - The ship is personified.
Inversion - The word order is changed. The correct order is - Her sails received no motion from heaven.
4) Her keel was steady in the ocean.
Personification- The ship is personified.
5) Without either sign or sound of their shock,
Alliteration- The sound ‘s’ is repeated for poetic effect.
6) So little they rose, so little they fell,
Repetition- The word ‘so little' is repeated for poetic effect.
Antithesis -Two opposite words ‘rose and fell’ are placed each other for poetic effect.
Anti-climax -The words are arranged in descending order.
Personification- The waves are personified.
7) On a buoy in the storm it floated and swung
Inversion - The word order is changed. The correct order is- ‘It floated and swung on a buoy in the storm’.
Alliteration - The sound of letter 's' is repeated for poetic effect.
Tautology – The word ‘floated ‘and ‘swung’ has similar meaning but words are different.
8) And over the waves its warning rung.
Alliteration - The sound 'w' is repeated for poetic effect.
Personification - The waves are personified.
Inversion- The word order is changed. The correct order is- ‘And its warning rung over the weaves’.
9) When the Rock was hid by the surge’s swell
Alliteration –The sound of letter 's' is repeated for poetic effect.
Personification - The rock is personified.
10) The sun in heaven was shining gay.
Inversion-The word order is changed. The correct word order is - The sun was shining gay in heaven.
Alliteration- The sound of letter 's' is repeated for poetic effect
Transferred Epithet- ‘gay’ quality is transferred from people to sun.
11) The sea-birds screamed as they wheel's around.
Alliteration- The sound of letter ‘s’ is repeated for poetic effect.
Simile- The sea-bird’s voice is directly compared with sound of wheel.
12) A darker speck on the ocean green;
Inversion-The word order is changed. The correct word order is- On the ocean a darker speck (is) green.
13) It made him whistle, it made him sing.
Repetition- The words ‘it made him’ repeated for poetic effect.
Anaphora- ‘It made him’ these words are repeated at the beginning of the line.
Onomatopoeia- The word ‘whistle’ creates a sound.
14) His heart was mirthful to excess,
Alliteration- The sound ‘h’ is repeated for poetic effect.
Synecdoche- It is Sir Ralph who was ‘Mirthful to excess’ not just his heart.
15) Quoth he, “My men, put out the boat,
Inversion- The word order is changed. The correct order is - He quoth put out the boat my men/ He quoth my men put out the boat.
16) The boat is lowered, the boatmen row.
Climax – The words are arranged in the ascending order
Alliteration - The sound of letter ‘b’ is repeated for poetic effect.
17) And to the Inchcape Rock they go
Inversion - The word order is changed. The correct order is - And they go to the Inchcape Rock.
Alliteration – The sound of letters ‘th’ is repeated for poetic effect.
18) Sir Ralph bent over from the boat.
Alliteration – The sound ‘b’ is repeated for poetic effect.
19) And he cut the Bell from the Inchcape float.
Alliteration – The sound ‘f’ is repeated for poetic effect.
20) Down sunk the Bell with a gurgling sound.
Onomatopoeia – The word ‘gurgling’ creates a sound.
Alliteration- The sound ‘s’ is repeated for poetic effect.
21) The bubbles rose and burst around.
Onomatopoeia – The word ‘bubbles’ creates a sound.
Alliteration – The sound of letter ‘b’ is repeated for poetic effect.
Climax – The words are arranged ascending order.
22) He scour’d the seas for many a day.
Alliteration -The sound ‘s’ is repeated for poetic effect.
23) He steers his course for Scotland’s shore.
Alliteration- the sound ‘s’ is repeated for poetic effect.
24) They cannot see the sun on high;
Alliteration- the sound ‘s’ is repeated for poetic effect.
25) On the deck the Rover takes his stand,
Inversion – The word order is changed. The correct word order is- The Rover takes his stand on the deck.
26) For there is the dawn of the rising Moon.'
Paradox - The line is absurd.
27) 'Canst hear', said one, 'breakers roar?'
Interrogation - The question mark is used here.
Onomatopoeia – The word ‘roar’ creates a sound.
28) For me thinks we should be near the shore.
Alliteration - The sound of letter ‘s’ is repeated for poetic effect.
29) Now where we are I cannot tell.
Inversion - The word order is changed. The correct word order is -I cannot tell where we are now.
30) Till the vessel strikes with a shivering shock,
Alliteration - The sound of letter 's' is repeated for poetic effect.
Transferred Epithet – The adjective ‘shivering’ is transferred from human to shock.
Personification – The word shock is personified.
31) O Christ! it is the Inchcape Rock!
Apostrophe - One of the rovers is addressing to god.
Exclamation - Exclamatory mark is used./ The strong emotion is expressed.
32) The waves rush in every side
Personification – The waves are personified.
33)But even in his dying fear
Transferred Epithet - The adjective ‘dying’ is transferred from human to fear.
Personification – The fear is personified.
34) A sound as if with the Inchcape Bell
Simile - The sound of ‘sinking ship’ is directly compared with ‘sound of the Inchcape Bell’ using the word ‘as’.
35) Imagery -
Visual Imagery-
The Ship was as still sa she could be'.
'Her keel was steady in the ocean'.
The waves flow'd over the Inchcape Rock;
So little they rose, so little they fell,
They did not move the Inchcape Bell
These lines in the second stanza describe the very mild sea and the small waves.
The sun in heaven esa shinning gay
The sea- birds scream'd sa they wheel's round
Sound Imagery-
And over the waves it's warning rung
And there was joyance in their sound
The sea- birds scream'd sa they wheel's round