XI 4.1 History of English Drama- Notes
4.1 History of English Drama
A.1 Compare the features of a comedy and tragedy.
A.2. Define Drama
The term drama was coined by the poet and aesthetic philosopher Samuel T. Coleridge.
Definition of Drama-
1. Drama is a composition designed for performance in the theatre in which actors take the roles of the characters, perform the indicated action and utter the written dialogue. -A Glossary of Literary Terms by M.H.Abrams
2. Drama is a composition in verse or prose to be acted on the stage, in which a story is related by means of dialogue and action and is represented with, accompanying gesture, costume and scenery as in real life. -Shorter Oxford Dictionary
Drama is a performance which is essentially loud, exaggerated and larger than life.
It is an audio-visual medium.
A play, opera, mime and ballet these are the examples of drama.
Drama is performed in a theatre, on radio or on television.
Plot, Characterization, dialogue, setting, stage directions, conflict, and theme are the elements of drama.
There are three types of drama-Tragedy, Comedy, Tragic Comedy
3.Enlist a few reasons for watching a drama live on the stage.
Reasons for watching a drama live on the stage are-
It gives real and live experience.
The lighting, music, special effects, etc. keep the watcher captivated, and he never forgets the story or what has been enacted.
It shows expressions, gestures according to the scene or situation.
It gives joy and creates real atmosphere before the eyes of the audience.
It develops spectators’ involvement in the events
It presents concrete picture before the audience.
4.Explain the term plot.
The plot is the series of events that take place (Occurring) in a play.
It is the plan, scheme, or pattern of the play.
It has beginning, middle and an end.
English novelist E.M.Forster described plot as the cause-and –effect relationship between events a story. According to Forster, “The king died, and the queen died, is a story, while “The king died, and then the queen died of grief,” is a plot.
5.State the difference between poetry and drama.
6.Name any four periods of History of British Drama
The four periods of History of British Drama are-
1..Medival period
2. Renaissance period
3.Restoration period
4.Victorian period
7. State the difference between drama and a novel.
8.Explain the term ‘willingness suspension of disbelief’.
Willingness to accept the unreal.
Sacrifice of realism and logic for the sake of enjoyment.
Willingness of the audience to overlook the limitations of a medium.
9. Differentiate between characters and characterization.
10.Define dialogue
Dialogue is a literary technique. It involves two or more speakers.
Definition-it is a conversation between two or more characters in a literary work.
Meaning- the term dialogue means “di- two, logue- speak”. In this sense, two people are speaking to create dialogue.
The word soliloquy is derived from the Latin word ‘solo’ means ‘to himself or herself’ and ‘loquor’ means ‘i speak’. It means ‘talking to oneself’.
Soliloquy- is a popular literary device often used in drama to reveal the innermost thoughts of a character.
It is a great technique used to convey the progress of action of the play.
Character’s thought process expressed aloud.
It reveals the nature of character and gives us information about his relations.
A soliloquy is a character making a speech, usually when alone.
The word monologue is derived from Greek word ‘mono’- means alone and ‘logue’ means- to speak. So, it means “to talk alone”
In theatre it is a speech presented by a single character, most often to express their mental thoughts aloud, though sometimes also to directly address another character or the audience