Q. Drafting a Virtual Message
Q.1 Drafting a Virtual Message: (05 Marks)
In pairs, enact the given conversation between Rakesh and Mrs. Sarkar.
Rajesh: Hello, may I speak to Dr. Sarkar?
Mrs. Sarkar: he has gone to the hospital to attend the OPD. May I know who is speaking?
Rakesh: yes I am Rakesh Sood. My wife has been having a severe headache since yesterday. Sirf this morning she has also developed a high temperature. I would be very grateful if the doctor could come over to our place to examine her.
Mrs. Sarkar: of course. Please let me note down your address.
Rakesh: It is B-49, New Colony.
Mrs. Sarkar: I will give him your message as soon as he returns.
Rakesh: Thank you.
Mr. Sarkar had to leave for the school where she teaches. So she wrote a message for her husband. Draft the message in not more than 50 words.
9.00 am
One of your patients Rakesh Sood staying at b-49, New colony rang up this morning to say his wife has not been keeping well. She had a severe headache yesterday and has been running at a high temperature since this morning. He wanted you to go over their place and attend her at the earliest.
Mrs. Sarkar
Prepared by - Jyoti Walunj
Hutatma Rajguru Mahavidyalaya, Rajgurunagar