4.1 History of Novel- Notes


4.1 History of Novel


A. 1. Write down/ Describe elements of the Novel/ Novella-

Ans- There are Six elements of a novel or novella. They are as follows-

1. Theme 2.  plot 3. character 4. setting 5. conflict 6. language or style.

A. 2. Write a short note on the Plot.


i. Plot is essentially the story or the course of events that make up the theme.

ii.  It is a series of incidents that are related to one another.

iii. It is created by the conflict either internal ( character vs Self ) or external. ( With other characters or entities)

iv. The plot has five steps- 1. Exposition - beginning of novel 2. Rising Action-Main Character's development with others characters, 3. Climax - a turning point of the story ( Conflict) 4. Falling action - changes in behavior 5 Resolution - End of story.

v. The plot may e simple or complex.

Simple means one plot and Complex means Consisting of the interweaving of many subplots.

For your reference- 


Prepared by -

Jyoti Walnuj

Hutatma Rajguru Mahavidyalaya,  Rajgurunagar

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