Blog Writing- Example 1
Write a ‘Blog’ in a proper format on ‘Cycling – A better way to Commute’, with the help
of the following points. (100-150 words)
Choice of bike
Safety equipment
Road safety rules
Cycling - A better way to commute
A bicycle is also called a bike or cycle. It was introduced in the 19 th century in Europe. Its structure is a human-powered or motor-powered, pedal-driven, single-track vehicle, having two wheels attached to a frame, one behind the other.
The earlier cycle was used for commuting and having a cycle was also prestigious. But later on, advent technology cycles were replaced by four-wheelers. But due to these vehicles, air and noise pollution has increased. Day by day the rate or price of Petrol, Desiel are also increasing. And traffic jam has become a major problem. Due to such problems people fade, get frustrated and they also face many health issues. So bicycle is the best solution to solve these problems.
There are plenty of reasons or benefits of Cycles-
-for mental and physical health fitness.
- manages weight, increases the metabolic rate, builds muscle, burns body fat, develop an appetite, reduce stress, etc
- Save planet
-Avoid traffic Jam
- Avoid Air and Noise pollution
- Reasonable or affordable price.
So today, people should use cycle as a mode of transport for office, college, school, etc. It saves our time from traffic jams and petrol money. While cycling we should use helmets for our safety. Everyone should follow the traffic rules. They are for our safety. Riding on the left side, stopping at a red signal, and knowing the signboards placed at various places are some of the rules we should follow. This helps us to reduce accidents and human loss.
In short, the cycle is an eco-friendly mode of transport.
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