2.1 Cherry Tree- Activity No.1

2.1 Cherry Tree- Ruskin Bond

Activity No. 1

Read the extract and complete the activities given below. (10)

Eight years have passed.......

For light and air and sun.

A.1Global understanding

State whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statement.

1. They destroyed the cherry tree .

Ans- False

Nobody destroyed the cherry tree. It grew very well.

2. The cherry tree had an instinct to survive.

Ans- True

3.  The blossoms are fragile.

Ans- True.

4. There were no new shots to the cherry tree in the spring.

Ans- False

There were new shots to the cherry tree in the spring.

A2. Interpretation

The life of the cherry tree was threatened. (Give reason)

Ans-The life of the cherry tree was threatened because of goats, grass cutter and monsoon blight which main cause a plant disease.

A.3 Personal response 

Give the four reasons that are responsible for cutting the trees.

Ans- The reasons that are responsible for cutting the trees are as follows-

i. Trees are cut down for furniture 

ii. to make wide roads,

iii. to provide food for cattle 

iv. to develop the lands for construction.

A.4  Poetic device-

 'I found a tree had come to stay '

(Name and explain the figure of speech & find another example of the same from the extract)


The tree is given the human quality to stay.


" It was very small, five months child" The cherry tree is described as a child. So cherry tree is given the human quality. 

A.5 Poetic creativity-

Compose 4 poetic lines describing any incident in your life.

Ans-I want to plant a tree,

But I am not so free, 

So I bring plastic plant, 

 It teases me you can't, you can't.

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