Continuous-Present, Past, Future

            *Topic - TENSE* 

*Continues - Present, Past, Future* 

*Continues (Progressive) Present Tense* 

चालू वर्तमान काळ 

*S +am/ is /are +m.v-ing + O/Compliment*

Definition -

1.  An action which is going on at the time of speaking. (action just start). जेव्हा बोलत असताना action चालू आहे तेव्हा चालू वर्तमान काळ वापरला जातो. या काळात action चालू आहे ती कधी संपेल ते आपल्याला माहीत नाही म्हणून याला चालू वर्तमान काळ असे म्हटले जाते. 

Example - She is writing on the blackboard. 

My friends are enjoying their trip. 

2. Temporary action which may not be actually happening at the time of speaking.

तात्पुरती action असेल पण ती बोलत असताना चालू नाही, पण ती क्रिया वर्तमनात चालू आहे. 

Example -  I am reading a novel. (At this moment I am not reading a novel.) 



Object हे दोन प्रकारचे असतात - 

*1. Direct Object - What* 

जेव्हा वाक्यातील (Verb) क्रियापदाला आपण what ने question विचारतो तेव्हा येणारे उत्तर म्हणजे direct object होय. 

1. She is getting this concept.

What is she getting - Concept - Direct Object

तिला काय मिळाले? आपल्याला उत्तर मिळाले this concept म्हणून हे direct object आहे. 

2. *Indirect Object - Whom* 

जेव्हा वाक्यातील (Verb) क्रियापदाला आपण whom ने question विचारतो तेव्हा येणारे उत्तर म्हणजे indirect object होय. 

2 . Ram is hiding behind me his gift.

What is Ram hiding? - His gift - Direct Object

By whom is Ram hiding behind his gift ? - Me - Indirect Object.

Ram कोणाच्या मागे gift 📦 लपवत आहे? - आपल्याला उत्तर मिळते माझ्यामागे (me ) म्हणून मी हे indirect object आहे. 

*Compliment - If in the sentence object is not there, remaining part is called as compliment.* जर sentence मध्ये direct object किवा indirect object नसेल तर ते compliment गृहीत धरले जाते. 

Example - 

3. She is writing on a blackboard.

What is she writing? - No answer

Whom is she writing? - No answer

*So remaining part of the sentence is called Compliment.*


*Continues Past Tense* 

चालू भूतकाळ

*S +was /were +m. v-ing +O/Compliment*

*Definition -*

It is used to express an action to the continuous in the past time.

भूत काळात एखादी क्रिया चालू आहे हे दर्शवण्यासाठी चालू भूतकाळ वापरला जातो. 

Example - 

I was writing a novel. 

2. To show gradual development of a happening. 

भूत काळात जर एखादी क्रियेची development होत आसेल तर चालू भूतकाळ वापरला जातो. 

Example - 

It was getting dark. 


*Continuous Future Tense* 

चालू भविष्य काळ 

*S shall be /will be +m. v-ing /V4 + O/Compliment*

Definition - 

An action that will be in progress at some point in future time. 

भविष्यामध्ये जर action चालू आहे हे दर्शवण्यासाठी चालू भविष्य काळ वापरला जातो.

Examples -* 

I shall be writing a novel. 

They will be listening my lecture. 

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*Verb -*

*Action verb -*

V1          V2        V3         V4

Go       went       gone            going 

Come  came     come           coming 

Run       run         run              running 

Run       ran         ran              running 

Listen   listened   listened   listening 

Work     worked   worked     working

Think     thought  thought    thinking

Write     wrote      written      writing 

Observe observed Observed Observing *Attempt the Online Test -* 

*You can see  online test  at the end of notes.*


*To be's verb -  am / is /are( Present tense) 

                     - was /were ( past tense)*


*Continuous - V4 / m.v.-ing*


*Questions -*

Test No. 1

*Identify the tense* 

1. I am working in the farm.

2. She is catching my hand.

3. The bus is running fast.

4.  They were talking to each other.

5.  Hari was watching a TV.

6. She will be having a nice car.

7. Raja will be going to London next week.

*Answers -*

1. Present Continous Tense 

2. Present Continous Tense 

3. Present Continous Tense 

4. Past Continous Tense

5.  Past Continous Tense 

6. Future Continous Tense 

7. Future Continous Tense 


Test No. 2

*Spot the error-*

1. Students is writing in the note-book. 

2. We will be read a novel. 

3. She are watch a watch ⌚. 

4. Rani were drew a rangoli. 

5. Exam will coming in the next week. 

6. I am not watch your game. 

7. Shanu are drive  a car. 

8. This shop will be close very soon. 

9. My mother are work in the farm. 

10. Sunny is not do his study. 

*Answers -*

1. Students *are* writing in the note-book. 

2. We will be *reading* 📖 a novel. 

3. She *is watching* a watch ⌚. 

4. Rani *are drawing* a rangoli. 

5. Exam will *be* coming in the next week. 

6. I am not *watching* your game. 

7. Shanu are *driving* a car. 

8. This shop will be *closing*  very soon. 

9. My mother are *working* in the farm. 

10. Sunny is not *doing* his study. 

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Prepared By- Walunj Jyoti Dnyaneshwar 

(M. A, B.Ed, M.Ed, M.Phil) 

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