
Showing posts from October, 2021

2.2 Indian Weavers - Appreciation

 2.2 Indian Weavers Poetic Appreciation- (04Marks) Write an appreciation of the poem using the following points. About the poet,  poem and title The theme of the poem Language and Poetic device Special features The message of the poem Your opinion about the poem Ans- About the poet poem and title- 'Indian Weavers' is a short and meaningful poem written by Sarojini Naidu(1879-1949). She is an Indian poet, political activist and feminist.  She is called " Nightingale of India" for her lyrical poetic style.  The poem is  taken from her famous collection  "The Golden Threshold", published in 1905. The title of the poem is apt for the theme as it shows cycle of life and  hard work of Indian Weavers.  The Theme - Indian Weavers is a short poem, where the poet talks about three types of garments - (Robes, Marriage veils, and  Shroud) that the Weavers weave at three particular times of the day. i.e. At break of day - early morning/ Dawn, At fall of t...

Preposition-Since & For

 Dear Students Listen this Video and  Write down this notes in your class-notebook.

Perfect Tense-Present, Past ,Future

           💠 *Topic - TENSE* 💠              *Present Perfect Tense* पूर्ण वर्तमान काळ  *It express the completion or perfection of an action now.*  वर्तमान काळात एखादी क्रिया पूर्ण होते तेव्हा पूर्ण वर्तमान  काळ वापरला जातो.  Present Perfect tense represents the work which has been done but the effect of which still exists. It uses ' have/has' and the past participle form of the verb. Formula -  *S +  have/ has + V3 + O/Compliment* Examples- 1. I have worked in the farm. 2. She has listened a lecture. 3. They have observed my lecture. 4. I have written articles on different topics. 5. He has read various kinds of books. 6. They have played football. 7. She has taken coffee. 8. He has gone to the library. 9. We have shopped in this market. 10. We have watched movies in this Cineplex.       ✳️*Past Perfect Tense*✳️ *To describe an action which was completed at some time in past....

Continuous-Present, Past, Future

            *Topic - TENSE*  *Continues - Present, Past, Future*  *Continues (Progressive) Present Tense*  चालू वर्तमान काळ  *S +am/ is /are +m.v-ing + O/Compliment* Definition - 1.  An action which is going on at the time of speaking. (action just start). जेव्हा बोलत असताना action चालू आहे तेव्हा चालू वर्तमान काळ वापरला जातो. या काळात action चालू आहे ती कधी संपेल ते आपल्याला माहीत नाही म्हणून याला चालू वर्तमान काळ असे म्हटले जाते.  Example - She is writing on the blackboard.  My friends are enjoying their trip.  2. Temporary action which may not be actually happening at the time of speaking. तात्पुरती action असेल पण ती बोलत असताना चालू नाही, पण ती क्रिया वर्तमनात चालू आहे.  Example -  I am reading a novel. (At this moment I am not reading a novel.)  ---------------------------------------------------------- *OBJECT* -  Object हे दोन प्रकारचे असतात -  *1. Direct Object - What*  जेव्हा वा...

Tense-Simple Present-Past-Future

                               * FORMULA OF TENSE * *SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE* Uses-  1. It is mainly used to express actions done as a matter of habit or actions done repeatedly. e.g. They pray to God daily in the morning. 2. It is also used to express a person's routine on a particular day. e.g. Today, I get up 6 o'clock in the morning and take a cup of tea and go for a morning walk. At 8 , I take my breakfast.  3. It at expresses permanent truths/ universal truth.  e.g.The sun gives us heat and light . Since scientific facts and proverbs also express permanent truths, they also take the present simple tense. e.g. Water boils at 100°C .  An empty vessel makes much noise.  ( Proverb) 4. It is used in exclamatory sentences beginning with here and there. e.g. Here comes Mr. Shetty . There goes the bus.  5. The verb 'continue' is used in the simple present tense, for it contains in i...