Class- XII - 2.1 Song of the Open Road - Appreciation


2.1 Song of the Open Road - Walt Whitman

Appreciation-  04Marks

With the help of the following points, write. A poetic appreciation of the poem. (4)


-The poet, poem & title


-The language/ poetic devices used in the poem

-Special features

-The message, values, morals  



I. The poet, poem & title-

Walt Whitman was an American poet, essayist, and journalist. He was born in 1819 and died in 1892.

He is often called as 'the Father of Free Verse. His major work were "Leaves of Grass" and "O Captain! My Captain!"

The poem 'Song of the Open Road ' is taken from his famous collection 'Leaves of grass'.

The title 'Song of the open road' is metaphorical. 'Road' is indirectly compered with 'journey of life'. It also indicates freedom, mobility and optimism tone

ii. Theme-

It is about a poet's journey of life marked by freedom irrespective of troubles. Freedom, Joy and Optimism are the major themes of this poem. Throughout the poem, the poet encourage s the readers to be true to themselves and live a free life.

ii  The language/ poetic devices used in the poem-

The poem is written in free verse as the lines are unrhymed and of varying lengths. The poet makes use of simple poetic devices such as Metaphor, Personification, Alliteration,  Repetition, Tautology, Inversion,  climax,Transfer Epithet etc . He employs metaphor when he refers to road to actually mean 'the road of life'. The use of these poetic devices helps to convey the message in lucid and expressive narrative and hence adds  to the poetic appeal.

iv. Special Features -

The poem is written in free verse and in the form of a monologue. It has an optimistic tone. It is an inspirational and written in the form of narration.

The first stanza contains only three lines while the other stanzas contain four lines of verse. Caesura and parentheses are special techniques are used in the poem.

v. The message, values, morals in the poem-

The poem conveys the message that while taking a decision of our life we should not be e come under any constellations,  society and  family pressure. " Lead your own life with your own challenges and believe yourself" message depicts from this poem.

vi. Opinion- 

I like the poem for its timeless appeal. It drives me to set out and be free while leaving my worries behind.

Prepared By-Jyoti Walunj-Landge 

Hutatma Rajguru Mahavidyalaya, Rajgurunagar

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