Q1.B2 Spot the Error

 Q. 1 B2 Spot the error and rewrite the correct sentences.

1. The number of people do not matter.

Ans- The number of people does not matter.

(Simple Present Tense- S + do /does +O)

2. I am liking to see movies at the theatre.

Ans-I like to see movies at the theatre.

(Simple Present Tense- S+ m.v./V1+ O)

3. I never forgets the given responsibility.

Ans- I never forget the given responsibility.

(Simple Present Tense -S+ m.v./V1+ O)

4. He has often ask me to think before I speak.

Ans- He has often asked me to think before speak.

(Present Perfect Tense-S+ have/has+ V3+ O)

5. No sooner did I challenged the man than he accepted it.

Ans-No sooner did I challenge the man than he accepted it. 

(Simple Past Tense -did + V1)

6. We are the more strongest community in the world.

Ans- We  are the strongest community in the world. 

(superlative degree)

7. I entered the room for search the documents.

Ans- I entered  the room for searching the documents.

(Gerund - V-ing)


I entered  the room to search the documents.

(Infinitive - to + V1/ m.v)

8. We can plant the trees in order saving the earth.

Ans- We can plant the trees in order to save the earth.

(Infinitive - to + V1/ m.v)

9. I usually asks my employees to be punctual in their tasks.

Ans-I usually ask my employees to be punctual in their tasks.

(Simple Present Tense -S+ m.v./V1+ O)

10. The training came to an end before you left the city.

Ans-The trainings had come to an end before you left the city.

(Past perfect Tense- S + had + v3 +O )

11. If you challenge me, I had accept it.

Ans- . If you challenge me, I will accept it.

(Conditional Clause-Simple Present Tense- Simple Future Tense)

12. The manager was looking into the missing file.

Ans- The manager was looking for the missing file.


13. She is more taller than all her brothers in the family.

Ans- She is taller than all her brothers in the family.

(Comparative Degree)

14. He said he did not wanted to go to bazaar yesterday.

Ans- He said that he did not want to go to bazaar yesterday.

(did + V1/mv)

15. Mango is the bestest among all the Indian fruits.

Ans-Mango is the best among all the Indian fruits.

(Superlative degree)


1. Donot write explanation. Here, I have given you an explanation for study.

2. Highlight the error.

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