2.4 Upon Westminster Bridge-FOS
2.4 Upon Westminster Bridge- FOS
1. Earth has not anything to show more fair | Hyperbole : Here poet wants to tell us that there is nothing more beautiful than the early morning view of the city of London from the Westminster Bridge. |
2. Dull would he be of soul who could pass by | Inversion : The word order is changed for poetic effect. The correct prose order is," he would be dull of soul who could pass by ". |
3. A sight so touching in its majesty | Alliteration : The sound of the letter ‘s’ is repeated. |
4. This city now doth, like a garment, wear | Personification : In this line city has been compared to a person wearing clothes. |
5. This city now doth, like a garment, wear beauty of the morning | Simile : In this line there is a direct comparison between the beauty of the morning and a piece of cloth. |
6. Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie | Alliteration : The sound of the letter ‘t’ is repeated. |
7. Never did sun more beautifully steep | Inversion : The word order is changed for poetic effect. The correct prose order is," Sun did never more beautifully steep. " |
8. Never did sun more beautifully steep In his first splendour. | Hyperbole : Here the poet declares that the effect of the morning sun on the city of London creates a beauty that has “never” been experienced before Clearly, this is an exaggerated statement. |
9. In his first spledour, valley, rock, or hill | Personification : In this line Sun has been personified using the male pronoun his and has thus been considered to be a living being. |
10. Ne’er saw I, never felt, a calm, so deep ! | Hyperbole : In this line poet wants to tell that sense of calmness never felt before. thisi is an exaggerated statement. Inversion : The word order is changed for poetic effect. The correct prose orders is," I saw never, felt never , a calm , so deep! |
11. The river glideth at his own sweet will | Personification : The river has been given human quality of having its own ‘will’. |
12. Dear God ! the very houses seem asleep; | Personification : The houses are given the human quality of sleeping. Transferred Epithet- The adjective 'asleep' is transferred from houses to Human being. |