2.5 Money - William Davies
2.6 Money - William H.Davies
Read the extract carefully and write an appreciation of the poem considering the following points.
✳️About the poet and the title
✳️The theme
✳️ Poetic style, Language, poetic devices.
✳️ Special feature
✳️Your opinion about the poem
1.About the poet and the title-
The poem Money is written by William H. Davies (1871-1940). He is Welsh poet and writer. This poem is taken from 'The Soul's Destroyer and Other poems".
2.The theme-
The theme of the poem is true/real happiness, importance of money, and true friendship. The poem tell us about the rich man who wants to be a poor man to find the real happiness. It is when we do not have a money or have lost our money, we realise how important the money is. At the end, the poet says that now he doesn't have a money, he has true friends though they maybe few.
3 .Poetic style, Language, poetic devices-
The poem has five stanzas of 4 lines each. The rhyme scheme of the 1 to 4 stanza is 'abcb' and last stanza's rhyme scheme is 'abab'. The rhyme pair of each stanza is poor - door, blow -know, light-night, frown- down,untrue- few and O!-O! The figures of speech like Simile, Repetition, Inversion, Antithesis, Onomatopoeia, Alliteration etc.
For eg - Onomatopoeia & Simile
"And how their wives do hum like bees" -
1. The word "hum" represents a sound of bee.
2. Poor men's wives work is directly compared with bees ,using the word like so the figure of speech is Simile.
The language used by the poet is very simple and easy to understand.
4.Special feature-
The special feature of the poem is that the poet used interjection... O! in the very first and last stanzas to show the intensity of his feelings. The type of the poem is motivational and it tells the harsh reality of life.
5.Values/ Message -
The moral of the poem is 'Money cannot give you eternal happiness, Money is short- lived and Money cannot purchase happiness and contentment. So we must value the people not the money.
6.Your opinion about the poem-
I like the poem very much because this poem tells the harsh reality of life. It also teaches me Money doesn't give you true happiness.
Prepared by- Jyoti D. Walunj
Hutatma Rajguru Mahavidyalaya, Rajgurunagar