2.3 There is Another Sky -Appreciation

  2.3 There Is Another Sky

Appreciation- 04Marks

With the help of the following points, write a poetic appreciation of the poem. (4)


-The poet, poem & title


-The language/ poetic devices used in the poem

-Special features

-The message, values, morals  


1. The Poet, Poem & Title-

This poem is written by Emily Dickinson. The title "There is Another Sky" suggests that a place of heaven metaphorically means their home.  

There are two types of the world- -

1. Pessimistic and

2. Optimistic. 

Here, the poetess indicates that there is a second (another) world with a bunch of promising expectations. So be always optimistic. Life is full of surprises or challenges so see the world  through an optimistic lens

2. The theme of the poem- 

The poet is communicating to her brother Austin through the letter. She is encouraging him not to get depressed and walk forward to achieve success in life. 'If one door closes, another door opens.' She explained that we should not live a pessimistic life because it always harms us; it never comes out in darkness and despair. A better way to tackle your life with full of optimism. Never give up your life; face the challenges this attitude poet explained in her poem.

3. The tone of the poem- 

The poem has an encouraging, inspiring, hopeful, suggestive, and warm tone. Things are explained using simple examples. The poem has a touch of a letter. It shows us the love and affection between the poetess and her brother, Austin.

4. Poetic Device-

The style & language of the poem is simple. Poetic devices such as Metaphor and Hyperbole, Onomatopoeia, Alliteration, Inversion, and Antithesis.   

For e.g.

‘I hear the bright bee hum’ – Onomatopoeia and Alliteration

5. Special features-

1.     Slant Rhymes- It is a rhyme with words that have similar but not identical sounds.

2.     Petrarchan sonnet- It has fourteen lines which are divided into two stanzas namely an octave and a sestet. Octave has eight lines and sestet has six lines.

6. My opinion about the poem- 

I consider this one of the best poems written by Emily Dickinson. It gives a new perspective to deal with the challenges of life. The message of this poem is  ‘Never –say die attitude has brought me a life-changing message. 


Life is full of challenges and we should accept them without any hesitation or negativity. We should overcome it with full of happiness and positivity that lesson I learned from this poem.

Prepared by -Jyoti Walunj-Landge 

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