
Showing posts from July, 2023

XI 2.1 Cherry Tree - Figure of Speech

  Cherry Tree - Figure of Speech 1. Antithesis - 1. It was very small, five months child Lost in the tall grass running wild. Ans- Two opposite ideas "small and tall" are placed to each other for showing contrast effect. 2. Come back thinner, rather poor, But richer by a cherry tree at my door. Ans-Two opposite ideas "thinner and richer" are placed to each other for showing contrast effect. 2. Metaphor- Explanation- Indirect comparison between two objects. Example- For e g.  It was very small, five months child   Lost in the tall grass running wild. Ans- Indirect comparison between cherry tree's life and child's life. 3. Personification - Explanation- It is a figure of speech where human qualities are given to non-human/ non-living objects. e.g. 1. And forgot; but cherries have a way of growing, Ans- 'Cherries' have been given the human quality of growing. 2. I found a tree had come to stay. Ans- The 'tree' has been given the human qualit...

XII Q.4 B. Report Writing -July 23

Q.4 B. Report Writing - 04 Marks  Imagine, you are a junior college that has recently organised an annual price distribution function. You are the editor of the college magazine. Write a report on the function in about 150 words. Ans- Annual Prize Distribution Function at HRM Junior College The Annual Prize Distribution Function at HRM, Junior College was a resounding success, celebrating the achievements and hard work of our outstanding students. As the editor of the college magazine, I had the privilege of attending and reporting on this memorable event. The function commenced with an inspiring speech by our Principal, highlighting the importance of recognizing and applauding academic excellence, as well as the dedication and perseverance of our students. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation as the awards were presented in various categories, including academic excellence, sports, cultural activities, and leadership. The highlight of the event was the felici...

XII Q.4 B. Report writing -Notes

Q.4 B. Email writing /Report Writing/Interview -04Marks 1. Format : Follow the standard format for report writing, which includes  Title- It should be capital and to the subject. Place: Date  Introduction ( 3 Paragraph) By name of the reporter 2. Title : Choose a concise and informative title that accurately reflects the content of the report. 3. Introduction : Start with an introduction that provides background information and sets the context for the report. Clearly state the purpose and objectives of the report. 4. Main Body : Organize the main body of the report into sections or headings, each addressing a specific aspect or topic related to the subject matter. Present information in a logical and coherent manner.  5. Language and Tone :  Write the report in the past tense, reported speech, and passive form of expression.Use clear, concise, and formal language throughout the report. Maintain a professional and objective tone, avoiding personal opinions or bi...

XII Q. 4 B. Report Writing-Example 4

Q. 4 B. Report Writing - 04 Marks  Your college organised a drive against smoking and chewing tobacco in your town. Prepare a report on this event. Ans- DRIVE AGAINST SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO PUNE: 19th January, 2023: An anti-smoking drive was organised by hutatma Rajguru Mahavidyalaya, Rajgurunagar in association with their NSS unit on the occasion of the 'Vanmohassav Program' on 18 th July. Along with teachers under students were present for the drive. The drive was organised to create awareness among the college going young students. Our Principal Dr. Pingle welcomed the chief-guest Dr. Ramaswami on the occasion. After the inauguration chief guest Dr Ramaswamy in his address advised students to keep themselves away from smoking and chewing tobacco. He also told students how it results in diseases like cancer, high blood pressure and so on. He wanted that chewing tobacco to be very dangerous and can lead to hard ailment as well as mouth cancer. This addiction is a slow p...

XII Q 4 A. Group Discussion -4 Marks

  Q.4 A. Virtual Message/ Statement of Purpose/ Group Discussion - 4 marks Q. You and your three friends( John, Irfan, and Ravina) are selected as a team for group discussion for repeated TV channels. The topic for discussion is 'Importance of English literature'. Write suitable dialogue for each participant giving his or her opinion on the topic. Ans- Topic -'Importance of English literature'. Evaluator:  Y ou have all been given a few minutes to think on your topic for today's group discussion which is, the Importance of English literature . You may begin the discussion. Who would like to start? Sanchita : I believe English literature holds immense importance in today's world. It not only allows us to appreciate the beauty of language but also provides us with valuable insights into different cultures and time periods. Through the works of renowned authors, we can explore the depths of human emotions and experiences, broadening our understanding of the world a...

XII -Format of Writing Skill

 Section-III: Writing Skills. (16 Marks) Q.4 Complete the activities as per the instructions given below: A)-04 marks Drafting Virtual Messages/ Statement of Purpose/ Group Discussion B)-04 marks Email/Report Writing/Interview C)-04 marks Speech/ Compering/Expansion of Ideas.    D)-04 marks Review/Blog/Appeal.   Apart from this there are two more writing skills are in your question paper- Q.2 (B). 03 marks  Summary Writing. Q.2 ( C) 03 marks Mind Mapping Total Marks for Writing Skills is 22 marks .

2.3 The Inchcape Rock -Activity No. 1

 2.3 The Inchcape Rock   Activity No. 1.  (Marks -10) Read the extract and complete the activities given below: No stir......And blest the Abbot of Aberbrothock. A.1 web-  Complete the web giving the expression of 'calmness of the Sea' Ans- No stir in air No stir in sea Ship was still No motion was in the ship Keel was ready A.2. Give reason Abbot of Aberbrothock was called worthy. Ans-Abbot of Aberbrothock wax called worthy because he is kind, helpful and benevolent. Due he had placed the bell that the signal of presence of the inchcape rock under the water. The bell helps the sailors to keep their ship away from rock. The bell saved their life as well as ship. A.3. Personal response List the risk of journey by sea . Ans-encounter with sea animals. Bad weather Sinking of shape due to collision with Rock. Attack of pirates. A.4. Poetic Device Write two  examples of figure of speech ' repetition ' from the extract Ans- Repetition - The same word is repeated in t...