XI-A Midsummer Night Dream-2

4.3 A Midsummer Night Dream

 Activity No. 2

Characters -

A.1. Choose the Odd out

1. Bottom, Moth, Mustarseed, Cobweb.

Ans-Bottom . Remaining are fairies. 

2. Flute, Snug, Quince, Cobweb

Ans-Cobweb. Remaining are workmen.

A. 2. Match the columns:

  A                                                   B

1. Theseus.                    Robin Goodfellow

2. Titania.                      Queen of the Amazons

3. Puck.                          Duke of Athens

4. Hippolyta.                 Faeries

5. Cobweb, Moth.         Queen of the Faeries


1. Theseus.             Duke of Athens      

2. Titania.               Queen of the Amazons

3. Puck.                    Robin Goodfellow

4. Hippolyta.           Queen of the Amazons

5. Cobweb, Moth.   Faeries


1) State whether following statements are true or false.

1. Lysander  and Demetrius fall in love with Helena as a result of the love potion.

Ans- True

2. Oberon transform Bottom's head into that of an ass. 

Ans- False

3. Titania falls in love with an ass.

Ans- False

4. Both Demetrius and Lysander  fight for Hermia.

Ans- False

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