XI Blog Writing- Trees are our best friends.
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Trees are our best friends
Trees are our best friends, it is correctly said that ‘when you plant a tree you plant a life. They are our true friends because they provide us wood, fuel, food , fibres, shade, medicine, fruits, flowers etc.
They serve man in various ways like-
- They also help to control pollution.
-They prevent floods and droughts.
-They observe carbon dioxide and gives oxygen.
- They protect water resources under the ground.
-They maintain ecological balance.
Trees always give us everything without expecting a single thing in a return, so it’s our responsibility to take care of trees because without them there is no living life on this earth.
Today, unfortunately we have over abuse their generosity by our greediness. We cut the trees and create ‘concrete jungle’ and live in artificial life. Our greediness is also harmful to birds and animals, because we destroyed their homes.
So, friends, EACH ONE PLANT ONE and live with full of greenery world.
We think that others will take care of such matters. No, it’s our duty to grow more trees. Every one of us must do our bit to save trees to save ourselves and our future generations.
Remember, ‘Trees are our Lungs’.
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