4.1 History of Novel- Notes
4.1 History of Novel
A. 1 Complete the following Statements - (02 Marks)
1. The first Indian- English written Novel-
Ans-Rajmohan's Wife - by Bankim Chandra
Chattopadhya- 1864
2. The World's First Novel
Ans-Tale of Genji- by Murasaki Shikibu - 1010
3. The first European Novel -
Ans-Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes ( Spanish writer) - 1605 & 1615
4. The first Science and Technology Novel -
Ans-Frankenstein - by Mary Shelley 1823
A. 2. Write a short notes on Novella- (02 Marks)
The word originates from the Italian word "novelle" means "new". It is a type of prose fiction.
i. It is shorter than full length of novel and longer than short stories.
ii. It is well structured and short narrative.
iii.It is a satiric or realistic in tone.
iv. It usually focuses on one incident or issue.
v. It has one or two main characters.
vi. It takes place at a single tradition.
'The Heart of Darkness' by Joseph Conrad
'The Turn of the Screw' by Henry James
'Billy Budd' by Herman Melville
'Death in Venice' by Thomas Mann
'Seize the day' by Saul bellow
'Pearl' by John Steinbeck
Prepared byJyoti D. Walunj
Hutatma Rajguru Mahavidyalaya, Rajgurunagar