XII 4.1 History of Novel- Activity 1
4.1 History of Novel
*Fill in the blanks*
Note-Answers are already given in brackets.
Prepared by - Walunj Jyoti
1. The 1st Indian novel in English is generally regarded as ........(Rajmohan's Wife', ) published in..... (1864) by ............'(Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay').
2. The 1st European novel is generally considered to be .......(Miguel de Cervantes) written by........ ('Don Quixote'), published in two parts between .......(1605&1615.)
3.The World's 1st Novel (Japanese epic) is ........('The Tale of Genji') written by........( Murasaki Shikibu') published around ........(1010.)
4. The 1st Science and Technology based novel is ..........('Frankenstein') written by .........('Mary Shelly') in .........(1823.)
5. The most dominant literary genre in 18 century was .........(Novel).
6. The English word 'novel' is derived from the Italian word ..........('Novella') means new.
7. A Novel describes..........( intimate human experiences) normally in a prose form.
8. A novel is relatively a…......(long) narrative from.
9. The 18th century has gifted English literature to entirely new forms which are....... (The Periodical Essay and Novel)
10. Realistic novel is also called a novel of ..........(manner).
Note-*If you have any suggestions plz write in comment box.*