Blog Writing - Notes
Q.4 D Blog Writing. Marks 04
In the beginning A blog is a write-up that people share online and it dates back to 1994. In this online journal you go talk about your daily life or share things you do however people got an opportunity to communicate information in a new way. So began the beautiful the world of blogging.
What is a blog?
A blog (shortening of "weblog") is an online journal or informational website displaying information in the rivers chronological order, with latest posts appearing first. It is a platform where writer or even a group of writers share their views on an individual subject. Each entry is called a post.
Blog Structure-
Here are some common features that a typical block will include:
1. Header with the menu for navigation bar.
2. Main content area with highlighted aur latest blog posts.
3. Sidebar with special profiles, favourite content, or call to action.
4. Footer with relevant leaves like a disclaimer, privacy policy, contact page etc.
Importance of blogs-
1. Blogs refine your thoughts.
2. Blogs reward the creator.
3. Blogs increase knowledge.
4. Blogs connect us to our people.
5. Blogs give introverts a voice.
6. Blogs reward the "new age" publishers.
7. Blogs acccelerate discovery.
8. Blogs open a world without borders.
How to write a blog post in 5 easy steps-
1. Plan your blog post by choosing a topic, creating an outline, conducting research and checking facts.
2. Give it an attractive title.
3. Draught a headline that is both informative and will capture the reader's attention.
4. Use images to enhance your post, improve its flow, add humour and explain complex topics. Use short paragraphs, simple and short sentences and words.
5. Edit your blog post. Make sure to avoid repetition. Read your post aloud to check it flow. Have someone else read it and provide feedback. Keep sentences and paragraphs short. It is alright to delete or modify your writing at the last moment. And your post with a discussion question.
*Template of Blog Writing*
B. Sign out
Title:---------- 👁️🗨️Preview▶️ Publish
🖍️|↩️↪️| A TT Normal |B I U | ♾️🎞️🎬🙂
Subject/ Title
Introduction Paragraph
lead paragraph
Concluding paragraph
End your post with a discussion question.
©All rights reserved to the blogger only. Privacy Policy
Marking Scheme- 04 Marks
Main Content: 02 marks
Header/ Menu/Nevigation Bar : 01 Marks
Footer- 01 Marks
By Mrs Jyoti D Walunj
Hutatma Rajguru Mahavidyalaya, Rajgurunagar