
Showing posts from December, 2024

Report Writing- Example 3

  Report writing- Example 3 You are a secretary of the NSS unit of your college. Write a brief report of the blood donation camp organised by your unit. Points- -Date and time of camp  -place of the camp number of my -participants and honours -inauguration of the camp  -total blood bags collected - experience of the group. Ans - BLOOD DONATION CAMP BY HUTATMA RAJGURU MAHAVIDYALAYA Rajgurunagar: January, 4  NSS unit of Hutatma Rajguru Mahavidyalaya, Rajgurunagar organised a blood donation camp on the occasion of the former founder member of late Sahebravji Butte- Patil on Monday 3rd January in the college campus. The camp was organised in association with Sasun Hospital, Pune. Whole Maharashtra and country is suffering from pandemic corona and thousands of patients are desparately in need of blood. In the call of Corona, the NSS unit of college came forward and arrange the blood donation camp.      The the president of the college Adv. Devendra ji But...

1.4 Pillars of Democracy

 1.4 Pillars of Democracy  Activity No 1  A. 1. Whether the following statements are true or false  1. It is wrong in being grateful to a great man who has done lifelong services to the country.  2. Hero- worship leads to dictatorship.  3. Bhakti in religion may be the road to the salvation of the soul.  4. In politics we have inequality while in social and economic life we have equality.  A. 2 .  Irish Patriot Daniel O'Connel suggested a few questions point out to them.  A 3 Guess the contradictions described in the extract.  A. 4 suggests steps  to eradicate inequality.  A. 5. Language Study 1. It is difficult to achieve.  (Make a negative sentence) 2. How can people be divided into several thousands of cast in the nation? ( Make an assertive sentence ) A. 6. Find the word from the alternative and write the meaning of the following words.  1. deny 2. peril 3. rendered 4. chastity

2.4 Upon Westminster Bridge-FOS

 2.4 Upon Westminster Bridge- FOS   1. Earth has not anything to show more fair Hyperbole  : Here poet wants to tell us that there is nothing more beautiful than the early morning view of the city of London from the Westminster Bridge. 2. Dull would he be of soul who could pass by Inversion  : The word order is changed for poetic effect. The correct prose order is," he would be dull of soul who could pass by ".  3. A sight so touching in its majesty Alliteration  : The sound of the letter ‘s’ is repeated. 4. This city now doth, like a garment, wear Personification :  In this line city has been compared to a person wearing clothes. 5. This city now doth, like a garment, wear beauty of the morning Simile  : In this line there is a direct comparison between the beauty of the morning and a piece of cloth. 6. Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie Alliteration  : The sound of the letter ‘t’ is repeated. 7. Never did sun more beautifully s...

2.4 Upon Westminster Bridge Appreciation

  2.4 Upon Westminster Bridge   Appreciation   1.About the Poet, Poem and Title- The poem 'Upon Westminster Bridge' is  written by William Wordsworth (1770-1850). He was a major English romantic as well as a nature poet. This poem is one of the best examples of his romantic poems. This poem was first published in the 'Collection of Poems' in two volumes in 1807.  2. Theme - Man versus nature and amazement are the major themes of this poem.Westminster Bridge is located in London city over the River Thames. The poet is standing on the Westminster Bridge at dawn time (early in the morning) and looking at the beautiful scenery of the London city in the early morning. He sees various scenes surrounding the bridge. The city of London seems to be clothed by the beautiful morning and the morning looks beautiful because everything whether manmade like ships, towers,domes,etc and natur made  like valleys,rocks, and hills are all bathed in the sunshine and silent and...

2.4 Upin Westminster Bridge- Activity no. 1.

 Activity No.1   A 1. State whether the following statements are true or false .  a.The scene described in the poem is of a crowded city , early in the morning. False b.In the poem the Westminster bridge is said to wear the beauty of the night. False c.The city is described as a person. True d.According to the poet only a dull person could ignore the beautiful sight of the city.  Ans- True A.2.The city is smokeless because ... Ans- In the early morning people are fast asleep, and no vehicles and people are on the road so there is no pollution in the air. That's why the poet used adjective smokeless for air.  A.3. Explain - How does your city/village look early in the morning? Ans-  i. I am an early riser and that is why I am familiar with the early morning scenes in my city.  ii. Dawn is the only time I can enjoy pollution free air, breathe deeply and can have a good look at the magnificent skyline with the rising sun peeping out.  iii. My village...