2. 5 Nose versus Eyes- Activity no.1

2. 5 Nose versus Eyes - William Cowper

A.1. State wheather the following statements are true or false.

1. Nose can use spectacles.


2. The Ear was appointed as a judge.

Ans- True

3. The tongue was the lawyer. 

Ans- True

4. The contest arose between nose and eyes. 

Ans- True.

A.2. Give reason for the dispute between the nose and eyes.

Ans-The dispute began when the Nose and Eyes each claimed that the spectacles worn  belonged to them,  not the other.

A.3. Justify arguments of the tongue in the 


Ans- I can support my answer with the help of the following suitable arguments - 

i. The bridge of the nose has always been the place where the spectacles are placed.

ii. The saddle like connection between the two glasses or lenses is made exactly measure to fit the bridge of the nose.

A. 4 Pick out the examples of inversion

Between Nose and Eyes a strange contest arose

In behalf of the Nose it will quickly appear

A.5. Write down the poetic lines of the ear .


 I looked in the mirror

And looked at my face

Nose and Eyes fight each other

Who is great ? 

The beautiful question raised? 


Be glad your nose is on your face

Not posted on some other place

For if it were...where it is not

You might dislike your nose a lot

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